

6401  Small and long flying bug with three tails. They have resided on our balcony. There’s at least 50 of them. I had swatted them all away (some dead) and they came back in greater numbers a few days later. We live close to a river and do not have any lights on our balcony. CALGARY, Alberta. Canada


Number 6401. This is a mayfly (order Ephemeroptera). These spend most of their lives as nymphs/naiads at the bottoms of streams and lakes where they constitute an important part of the feed web there. The adults you see seldom live more than a day; just long enough to mate and lay eggs. They do not feed and are completely harmless.

Moth Fly, Drain Fly or Sewer Fly

6352  From: Vancouvee, Vancouver BC. Canada

Number 6352 This is a moth fly (Diptera: Psychodidae). Also known as drain flies or sewer flies, they are harmless but can be nuisance pests. click here for more detailed information

Saw Fly Larva

6220 What is this and is it harmful to my flowerbeds grass. There are a whole bunch of them between mine and my neighbors house. From Leduc, Alberta.

Number 6220 – This is a larva of a sawfly, it might be a grass sawfly in the genus Pachynematus (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)Click here for an image. They are unlikely to cause significant damage; Click here for more detailed information.