
nymph of an assassin bug

6301 Indoors, barely 3-5mm in size, looks covered in dust or fine white powder. From Riverview, New Brunswick

Number 6301 This is a young nymph of a an assassin bug known as a masked hunter (Reduvius personatus; Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae). This is an introduced species having a wide distribution that often is encountered in dwellings. See Click here for more detailed information.

Nymph of the masked hunter

6292 I found this little guy at the corner of our shower/tub against the wall. It was approximately 4mm long. It’s humid in the summer, we use central air, but not often (usually nighttime). Thanks for any insight! From Hanover Ontario

Number 6292 This is a nymph of the masked hunter, Reduvius personatus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae), a peridomestic species often found in homes. The nymphs have sticky hairs on their bodies that hold dust and bits of debris that disguise the general outline of these bugs. See Click here for more information on this fascinating insect.

Nymph of a brown marmorated stink bug

6291 This bug is all over the trees in the neighbourhood. August 1, 24 degrees C. Surrey BC. From Surrey, British Columbia

Number 6291 This is a nymph of a brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). See Click here for detailed information including control recommendations.

Nymphs of a boxelder bug

6290 I have never seen these bugs before and today ther are 30 of them outside my door. From Hamilton, Ontario

Number 6290 These are nymphs of a boxelder bug, likely the eastern boxelder bug, Boisea trivittata (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Rhopalidae). These are nuisance pests that seldom cause any real damage. Click here for more detailed information, including control recommendations

late stage nymph of a hairy chinch bug

6283  Hunderds just showed up on our pressure treated wood surrounding a flower garden in Center of city.
Also see them lots in my grass, which is very patchy and brown

Number 6283 This appears to be a late stage nymph of a hairy chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus hirtus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Blissidae), a common turf pest in Ontario; see Click here for more detailed information.

‘Skin’ (exuvium) of a nymph of a cicada

6274 What kind of bug is this? It’s cracked open and there’s nothing in it, what kind of bug is empty?

Number 6274 This is the shed ‘skin’ (exuvium) of a nymph of a cicada (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Cicadidae), likely one of the so-called dog-day or annual cicadas such as those in the genus Neotibicen -see Click here for an image.

Nymph of a leafhopper

6270 Sitting in the Finger Lakes region of New York on a weed… Not sure what kind of Nymph this is… looking for ID. From Concord, NH 03301 United States

Number 6270 This appears to be a nymph of a leafhopper (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Cicadellidae); Click here for another example.

Nymph of a long-horned grasshopper

6266 Found this nestled in the leaves of a milkweed plant. From Beausejour Mb

Number 6266 This is a nymph of a long-horned grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), likely either a bush cricket or false katydid.

Nymph of an elm seed bug

6228 We have had these bugs last 2 Springs. There are hundreds of these on my property. They are on side of house, around doors. They are in trees (Siberian elms…I think) eating the leaves and are in ground rock cover. The smaller the bug the redder it looks from a distance. They are quite small. The biggest I have seen is about 4 mm but they seem to vary in size. Please help identify so I can get rid of them. From Oliver BC

Number 6228 – These appear to be nymphs of the elm seed bug, Arocatus melanocephalus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). These do not eat leaves, but suck the juices from elm seeds; they appear to do little real harm, but can become serious nuisance pests. Click here for more detailed information.