
Darkling beetle

6390  Cool Finished basement June 12, 2019. 32 Edna St. Noëlville, Ontario P0M 2N0 Canada


Number 6390. This is a darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Ones like this often are found under bark of logs or dead trees; its occurrence indoors is strictly accidental.

Larder beetle

6341 Found this in my bed! From Ajax, ON

Number 6341 This is a larder beetle, Dermestes lardarius (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), a cosmopolitan pest species. Click here for more detailed information.

Checkered beetle

6340 From Windsor, Ontario

Number 6340 This is Chariessa pilosa, a checkered beetle (Coleoptera: Cleridae), Click here for an image. Checkered beetles are general predators on other small arthropods; the larvae of this species are reported as feeding on larvae of wood-boring beetles.

Carpet beetle

6339 Hello, I have no idea what this is. I found it on the window frame of our bedroom when I got home from work at 6pm. Please let me know what this is! From Toronto, ON

Number 6339 This is a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae); it looks like a varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbesci. The adults often are found at windows where they have been attracted by the light in their attempt to get outside. Click here elsewhere on this site for some control recommendations.

Drugstore beetle

6334 Just found this in my bed, help??. From Vancouver

Number 6334 This looks like a drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae); Click here for an image. These beetles and their close relatives, cigarette beetles (Lasioderma serricorne) will feed on an extremely wide variety of organic materials, and can become pantry pests. You likely should check all your dry food storage areas for signs of insect infestation.

Larva of a carpet beetle

6333 Location found: Kitchen cupboard (where pots and pans are stored). Bug size: 5 mm from head to tail. Winter season. Bug alive or dead: alive (barely). I’m not sure what the fuzzy stuff is attached to the tail of the bug. It might just be a dust bunny that the bug got stuck in. Please email me if you are or are not able to identify it. From Calgary

Number 6333 This is a larva of a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae); likely in the genus Anthrenus (varied carpet beetle, etc.).  Click here  for control recommendations.

Predaceous diving beetle

6320 I found this beetle on my deck and was shocked to see it! Never seen one so big around here! I looked at some pics but could not identify it! Was hoping you could. We are on an acreage south of Saskatoon SK. Thanks. From Saskatoon.

Number 6320 This is a predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). They and their larvae (often called water tigers) are general predators on other small aquatic life forms, mainly other insects. They also are strong flies and may be found at quite some distance from water.

Blister beetle

6318 Can you please identify this. From Ontario

Number 6318 This is a blister beetle Coleoptera: Meloidae) in the genus Meloe. These are often called ‘oil beetles’ as they exhibit reflexive bleeding from their leg joints when disturbed. Their blood (hemolymph contains a chemical, cantharidin, that can cause blistering on tender skin. Click here for more detailed information.

larva of an Asian multi-colored lady beetle

6317 Appeared in my second-floor bedroom (possibly dropped from ceilling), stayed for a picture and then disappeared when I left room. Just outside Fredericton, NB September 27 autumn. High of 20° sunny and breezy day following heavy rain and two nights of frost. From Maugerville, NB

Number 6317 This is a larva of an Asian multi-colored lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), an introduced species having a very widespread distribution and that goes by several other common names. Click here for more detailed information.

Larva of a darkling beetle

6311 Can you please tell me what this is. From Toronto, ON

Number 6311 This is a larva of a darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), likely one of the so-called mealworms in the genus Tenebrio see Click here for an example. These sometimes will infest dry stored food products, especially grain-based.

larva of a scarab beetle

6302 Stumbled across it , seems to bite i put a twig near it and it chomped down! Just want some info looks freaky but cool

Number 6302 This is a white grub, the larva of a scarab beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Ones like this can be serious lawn/turf pests as they feed on the roots of grasses just below the soil surface –  Click here for more information.

Common red soldier beetle

6285  These flying bugs are about 1 cm long and don’t seem to do much damage. We haven’t seen them before, but they are reproducing somewhat quickly in our vegetable/herb garden. Any information would be appreciated. From

Number 6285 This is a common red soldier beetle, Rhagonycha fulva (Coleoptera: Cantharidae), they feed primarily on the smaller insects that they find on flowers. See Click here  for an image and more detailed information.

Larva of a beetle

6280 First found this bug behind my kitchen sink, then on the floor in my bathroom. Found this one in my shower with me this morning. Roughly over a centimetre long. Just need help identifying so I can get rid of them properly. From Dowling, Ontario

Number 6280 This is a larva of a beetle in the family Dermestidae (carpet/skin/hide/larder beetles and allies). These can feed on a wide variety of organic materials (primarily those of animal origin), including accumulations of dead insects. You might check any clothing/fabrics, especially those in long-term storage, that incorporate wool or silk for signs of insect damage.

Trichiotinus assimilis

6271 This insect was found on the flowers of a False Spirea on July 7/18. Please advise what it is. 

Number 6271 This appears to be Trichiotinus assimilis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), a species commonly found on flowers. Sometimes called a bee-mimic beetle, it does not appear to be a pest species. Click here for an image and more information. 

Flower longhorn beetle

6267 Found on my kitchen floor. July, 28 degrees C. From Langley, BC

Number 6267 This is a flower longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae; subfamily Lepturinae); it looks like Xestoleptura crassipes, Click here for an image. They cause no damage .

Rove beetle

6261 Found this little guy in basement. Curious as to what he is. From Fort St. John, BC

6261 This is a rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). These are general predators on other small arthropods, mainly on the insects.

Rove beetle larva

6256 Please help Identify. From Myrnam, AB

Number 6256- This looks like a larva of a rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). These are general predators on other small arthropods, mainly other insects.

Long-horned Wood-boring beetle

6254 Please help identify. From Solapur, Maharashtra India

Number 6254 – This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). It is unlikely to be a serious pest species, but I cannot be more specific at this time.

Cigarette Beetle or Black Carpet Beetle

6244 Found this scrambling under my bed when I was doing an inspection. I did crush it a little, hence the break and ooze at the bottom. Scared it’s a bed bug, but it doesn’t look like bed bug pictures I found. From Toronto, ON

Number 6244 – This beetle could be either in the family Anobiidae (such as the cigarette beetle) or Dermestidae (such as the black carpet beetle); a clearer view of its antennae would be helpful. Definitely not a bed bug!

Death-Watch Beetle

6231 These little guys recently showed up in the last week (end of May) in my basement. I noticed them on the floor, ceiling, around the windows and around the door to the mechanical room where we brought in some wood from the garage in the winter. The weather lately has been mild and wet, with temperatures fluctuating.

Number 6231 – This appears to be a death-watch beetle in the genus Ptilinus (Coleoptera: Anobiidae); see Click here for some images. These likely came in as larvae within the firewood; their larvae bore in the wood of several hardwood species, but are not known to attack wooden structures.

Foreign Grain Beetle

6226 I took photos of this insect on my bed today (May 31st, 2018). Lately the weather has felt like summer. I’ve started noticing them about a week ago and mainly on and in my bed, maybe 1 or 2 at a time. As I would start falling asleep, I would wake up and find one on my pillow. So far I have no bites, hives or itchy spots. I removed my bed sheets and there are no bug infestations or blood stains. Yesterday I just kept seeing them in almost every room of the house (floors, walls, ceilings, bedding, etc.). They are tiny and much smaller than an apple seed. All the ones I’ve caught look the same. I’m wondering if they are an early stage bed bug. How do I get rid of them? From Ottawa, Ontario

Number 6226 – This appears to be a foreign grain beetle, Ahasverus advena (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). Sometimes also called new house beetles or plaster beetles, they feed primarily on mould/mould spores found in humid/damp environments. Reducing indoor relative humidity levels should control them. Click here for more detailed information

Bark-gnawing beetle

6224 Found May 30th on a 30°C day. Northern Ontario, halfway between North Bay and Timmins. Fairly flat and hard with clear light brown under wings. It’s just over a centimeter long. 

Number 6224 – This is a bark-gnawing beetle (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae); Click here for an example. These are associated with fungi in rotten wood, but little appears known about their specific habits. Nice find!

Lady beetle

6223 Found this little guy on a counter at work. It’s been around 20° and warm here on Vancouver island in May. This beetle looks like a species of ladybug but had an unusual pattern. Same size as a traditional ladybug. From Courtenay, British Columbia

Number 6223 – This is a lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae); it appears to be Myzia subvittata, known as the subvittate lady beetle – Click here for an image.

Tortoise Beetle

6218 Please help identify. From Creemore Ontario Canada

Number 6218 – This is a tortoise beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; subfamily Cassidinae); it looks like Plagiometriona clavata, Click here for images and more detailed information. This does not appear to be a serious pest species.