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Broad-nosed/short-snout weevil
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5674 Hi, I’ve noticed these little guys appearing in several places in my home recently with the warm weather. Wondering if you can id it. I have looked through the images but didn’t see one that matched. Size – about 7mm, Month – May, Weather – dry and warm. Thank you very much for your help. Neil – Calgary Alberta Canada
This is a weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the subfamily Entiminae. Known as broad-nosed/short-snouted weevils, they frequently enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. Their larvae feed primarily on plant roots, and some can be serious pests. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Click Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5673 What is this beetle? Sharon. Outside. Langford, BC
This is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae). I cannot be certain from this image, but it might be Selatosomus suckleyi – see for an image. Very little appears to be known about the life history of this species. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
long-horned wood-boring beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5672 Hi there. I assume this is some sort of “long-horned wood-boring beetle” but would love more specifics. This guy and a number of his brethren chewed their way out of hardwood (mulberry) we had brought in for the fire from our woodpile. They have emerged over the past few days (early May). Body just around an inch long. In Scarborough, ON. The holes are almost squared more than round. Thanks in advance! Deborah
This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); it does not appear to be any of the species that might infest anything in your home. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
House Centipede
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5671 Hi, my name is Jane, I am in Ottawa, Ontario I found this guy n my kitchen, it’s spring with warm dry weather. I think it came in from the yard on a blanket. It looks similar to the house centipede but not sure. It’s about an inch long with very long striped antennae-type “legs”. Thoughts?
This is indeed a house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata); see for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5670 This guy I found on my girlfriends back after we went outside for a smoke at 4 am in Edmonton Alberta. Let’s just say he won’t be bothering us no more but would like to know if they are common or not here. May13 2016 this was taken. Thanks for your help.
This is a stonefly (order Plecoptera).Their immature stages (nymphs/naiads) are aquatic, and are an important source of food for many fishes. The adults live just long enough to find mates and lay eggs; some never feed at all as adults, but simply live off fat stored as immatures. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5669 Hi, I found this bug in my one year old condo in Toronto. They are very tiny, about 1-2 mm long. They mainly locate in the bathroom floor, but also found in the bedroom drywall as well. I also located them in the main entrance dry wall. The humidity of my home is around 30%. I used Raid Max (indoor) spray around the house but the problem still persist. I also used bleach to clean around the bathroom couple of times as well. I understand it mainly for identify this bug. However, if you have any suggestion how to get rid of it, I will be very appreciated about it. Best, Kelly
This is a booklouse (Psocodea: Liposcelidae). These basically are nuisance pests that feed primarily on mould spores found on damp/spoiled organic materials. They do no real damage, and chemical control almost never is necessary. Besides lowering indoor humidity levels (which you already have done), check for and eliminate any unnecessary sources of moisture. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Noisy Bug: metallic wood boring beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5668 This beetle picture is being sent to you for a friend of mine. Can anyone tell me what kind of bug this? It is noisy when it flies and I believe that it bites rather like a horse fly or deer fly. That is a 1X4 that it is on in this picture, just for size reference. The picture was taken in Armstrong, BC. Thank you, Lyndon
This is a metallic wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae); it looks like something in the genus Chalcophora (see for an example). Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Assassin bug nymph
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5667 Hi, I found this insect on my daughter’s neck today. When I got it off of her and was taking a picture, it seemed to be aggressive like it was making itself look big. I’m in Abbotsford, BC. It has been in the high 20’s to low 30’s here. Can you please help me identify it? I currently have it in a bottle with a branch and leaves in case it is a pest.
This appears to be a nymph of an assassin bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae). They are general predators on other arthropods, and can give one a painful stab with their beak if mishandled, but they are not at all dangerous to humans. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Fairy Moths
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5666 We live in a rural area in Victoria B.C. and have notices hundreds of these flying bugs outside. We have never seen these here before. I hope you can help. Thank you Norma
This might be a fairy moth (Lepidoptera: Adelidae); see for an example. Some species in this family have very long antennae and are active during the daytime. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5665 I found these eggs attached to the inside of one of my deck boards. Photo was taken May 2016 from Windsor, ON Canada. Should I be worried?
Thanks for your time. Michelle
These look like small puff ball mushrooms. We are not experts on mushrooms so you may want to check the structural integrity of the deck. Fungus grows on wet decaying wood.
Death-Watch beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5664 Found about 40 of these bugs one night in my basement. They are very small and these photos are the best I could take. They do fly around. Live in Guelph Ontario. and it was April 30 when observed. Please help identify so I can get rid of them. Thanks, Trevor
This looks like a male death-watch beetle, Ptilinus ruficornis (Coleoptera: Ptinidae); see for an image. Their larvae bore in dead wood of broad-leaved trees such as beech, maple, oak, and sycamore, but they also have been reported as pests of woodwork in homes. You may wish to consult a professional pest controller for advice. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5663 Hello, Attached find a photo of a pest we found in our bed the night after my daughter got three nasty bites. They became swollen red bumps by the next morning, and are quite itchy, but not painful. No other symptoms. For scale, the bug is about 2-3mm long. I suspect our cat, who is an outdoor cat who has picked up fleas before. However, this doesn’t look quite like a flea, so I wanted to be sure.. Please help! Whatever it is, any advice as to treatment word be most appreciated. Thanks, -Eyal
This does look like a flea, but because this is a dorsal (top side) view, it appears very narrow, as fleas are quite flat from side to side. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Modoc carpenter ants.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5661 &5662 Hi, There seems to be an uprising of these large ants in the last couple days, in multiple locations around Wakaw Saskatchewan. Just wondering what they are and if they need to be exterminated? Thanks in advance! Jaimie.
These are female reproductive carpenter ants, probably Modoc species. The ant on the right has been fertilized and has removed her wings. (See the scars on her thorax) She will be seeking wet wood to burrow into and start a new nest. She will lay about 70,000 eggs over the next 15 years. Read more about carpenter ants.
Checkered beetle or flower beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5659 Hi there! Wondering if anyone knows if this bug could be the pest that is biting my daughter multiple times and leaving horrible bites!? (100% she is not being bitten by bed bugs). We are in Ontario. Thanks so much! Kristin
This insect would not be responsible for any bites, it looks like either a checkered beetle (Coleoptera: Cleridae) – see for an example or a soft-winged flower beetle (Coleoptera: Melyridae) – see for an example. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Scarlet Malachite beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5658 I wonder if you could help me identify some critters that have been climbing my living room windows in the last few days. They have a red shell, with a dark stripe down the center of the back, covering the wings. They are approximately 1/2 inch long. Thank you very much. Reg B. Edmonton
This appears to be a scarlet malachite beetle, Malachius aeneus (Coleoptera: Melyridae); see for an image. The larvae of these beetles are predaceous on other small arthropods. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Leaf Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5657 Hi my name is Matthias. Last few weeks a lot of these guys have popped up in my house. I live in Brampton Ontario Canada. They’re mainly on my ceiling and high up on my walls, they fly and are 2-4mm when we get a closer look they tuck their feet in and dont move.
This is a leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the subfamily Bruchinae. Known as pea or bean weevils, their larvae develop in dry seeds, primarily legumes such as peas and beans, so if you have any such in storage, you should check them for signs of infestation. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Trapdoor spider
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5656 Hi, I dug up a fern in my mother’s yard and came across this spider.. With the whole body it was about the size of a toonie.. My mother lives in Langford BC. ( Vancouver Island ). I have never seen anything like this and am very curious if you could tell me which kind of spider this was.. I did not keep it and let it go.. Thanks, Christine
This looks like a female Antrodiaetus pacificus, a folding-door trapdoor spider in the family Antrodiaetidae; see for an image and nos. 5638 and 5640 for other examples. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Larder Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5653 Hi, I’m from Ottawa, ON. I keep finding these in our house. Maybe a beetle? They’re pretty small (no bigger then 5mm?), black body with brown it. Your assistance is appreciated, Marc.
This is a larder beetle, Dermestes lardarius (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), a cosmopolitan household pest. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Leaf Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5652 This is an odd bug that I constantly find on the screen door and sliding door of my cabin on the water, in Osoyoos, BC. Canada’s only desert. I’m not sure where they come from, but they re-appear nearly as fast as I can kill or get rid of them, at all times of day, but there’s never more than 2-3 at a time, even if I leave them alone. There quite small, as you can see it sitting on the screen door mesh in the background. I’m not sure if they fly or not. Sometimes when I brush them or blow them off they fall to the ground. Other times they flutter to the ground, but don’t fly away. They don’t do anything that I know of, I just don’t enjoy them spending there time here.
This is a leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae); it looks like an elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola, see for more information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Butterfly (Many Banded Daggerwing)
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5651 The attached moth or butterfly visited my ship quarters while off the northern coast of Colombia. It stayed with me all night before flying off. The date was December 10, 2015. Identification will be appreciated. Howard.
This looks like Marpesia chiron (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), known as the many-banded daggerwing – see for images and more information. This one had me fooled for a while because of its superficial resemblance to swallowtails in the family Papilionidae. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Black Vine Weevil
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5650 Found most times in the bathroom once a week in March & now April. Last time found in the fridge. Some times relatively mild outside. Fred Jones
This looks like a black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, a broad-nosed /short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae); see for an image. These weevils often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
long-horned wood-boring beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5649 Hi there, I have these bugs walking all over my front deck. Just wondering if I should be worried about a nest or about having them around. I am in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC and it is mid-April. Thanks very much! Irene
This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); it looks like Hybodera tuberculata, a west coast species whose larvae develop in certain maple trees; it is not considered a pest species. See for an image. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Blister Beetle (Female)
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5648 This beetle was found on a trail close to Salmon Arm on Shuswap Lake, in southern BC. It appeared to be attempting to dig itself into the ground when first spotted. After being disturbed it moved quickly searching for cover of some kind. It was about one inch long, not including the antlers. It was found in April. Martin
This is a female blister beetle (Coleoptera: Meloidae) in the genus Meloe. They sometimes are called oil beetles because of the oily fluid exuded from their leg joints when they are disturbed. This fluid contains a chemical (cantharidin) that can cause blisters on tender skin. The beetle likely was looking for a place to lay her eggs in the soil; their larvae are parasitoids on larvae of ground-nesting bees. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Mayfly male
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5647 Hi. I found this guy on my car. It was a warm day at the beginning of April in Gibsons, BC. Thanks!
This is a male mayfly (order Ephemeroptera); it may be a subimago, the stage that emerges from the nymphal exoskeleton and flies to a (hopefully) safe location where it sheds its ‘skin’ one more time to become a fully functioning adult. Mayflies are the only known insects that molt once their wings have developed. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Lady Beetles
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5646 South of Indianapolis, LOOKS LIKE LADY BUG BUT BODY IS ELONGATED. FOUND IN FLOWER GARDEN, March 2016 ML
These are indeed lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae); specifically, they are Coleomegilla maculata, known as the spotted lady beetle – see for an image. I often see these in our vegetable garden.
Larva (Rodent Bot fly)
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada#5475 This was found on my laundry room floor in Boulder Colorado just now. It’s a little over an inch long, dark brown and ringed, with a yellowish “nose.” It’s creeping very slowly. What the heck is this?
This is a mature larva/prepupa of a rodent bot fly (Diptera: Cuterebridae; Cuterebra sp.) – see for images and more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5645 My name is Charlotte. This bug was found in Vanderhoof British Columbia. I found this bug in my bathroom where swallows have gotten in and built a nest in the fan ducting above. They might be gone now as I can’t hear them.
This is a weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae); it looks like a member of the subfamily Entiminae (short-snouted/broad-nosed weevils). These often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. I doubt very much that there would be any association with the swallow nest. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Larva of Dermestidae Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5644 hi there we have found a bug on our wall and just a day or two before we have found this bug we have been getting some sorts of hives on our skin like mosquitoes they itch once in a while. We saw a doctor and he didnt know what it was than today we found a bug which had this hairy type thing in th eback we took a picture hopefully you can help us find out what it is.
This is a larva of a beetle in the family Dermestidae (carpet/hide/skin/larder beetles and allies); likely in the genus Anthrenus. Some people have reported skin irritation from exposure to the hairs on the bodies of these insects, but that appears to require long-term exposure to a heavy infestation. Nevertheless, you might consider an appointment with a dermatologist/allergist. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Definitely not a bed bug
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5643 Pls see photos attached. I live just outside of Vancouver ,in the Lower Mainland. The other day, I found a dead bug in the corner of my son’s bed, in between the sheet and mattress cover. It looks like it has been dead for some time. I am worried sick that it is a bed bug. I also found a flea at the same time. I’m horrified. We just moved into a upper floor of a three bedroom home. As soon as we moved in, my son started to get bit on his lower left leg. Big welts that were very itchy and made worse with the scratching. He never had any bites in our old home where we lived for 13 years. So after he got these bites, that is when i looked in his bed and found this one dead bug and one flea. (I’m wondering if he got the flea from the long grass outside. We never had fleas or bites before). I kept this dead bug under a glass. I need someone to please ID it for me before I go crazy. We have torn apart the beds looking for anything. We have not found a thing. No black marks, no bugs at all. I’ve spent hours researching on the net, so I know what to look for. There were some small blood smears on his white comforter but he says that he picks at things! Even took off the gauze under the box spring. ..nothing. we’ve only been in this house for a week. Thanks very much, Leslie
Definitely not a bed bug; this poor creature has lost so much of its appendages as to make a positive identification problematic. Among the possibilities is a silverfish (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae), these are harmless nuisance pests that would not be responsible for any bites. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Leaf-footed bug nymphs
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5642 I live in Edenglen, which is very near to Johannesburg, South Africa. We are nearing the end of our summer season. This was photographed yesterday. I have a bush in my garden that is now has hundreds of these bugs (pic attached) all over it. I have never seen them before and I am very interested to know if this bug is harmful to plants and what my actions should be with regards to them. Should I destroy them or the bush or are they harmless? Kind regards. Louise
These are nymphs of a leaf-footed bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Coreidae); they look like a species known as the giant twig wilter, Carlisis wahlbergi. See for an image and for an image of an adult. They do not appear to be considered as serious pests. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Sphinx moth
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5641 The attached was photographed off the west coast of Mexico in December 2015. Can you help with identification? Thanks, Howard
This is a sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), but it has lost too many scales to be confident of a specific identification. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
folding-door trapdoor spider
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5640 I live in Kelowna bc and I accidentally killed the one that’s all scrunched up. Then this other guy showed up and I’ve searched and searched for his species and can’t find it anywhere. He is about the size of my thumb. Thanks in advance.
This looks like another folding-door trapdoor spider (family Antrodiaetidae); see no. 5638. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Camel Cricket
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5637 My name is Michael. I live in Long Island New York. I Have many of these bugs in my house. They started appearing in September 2015. They jump really high. They are about one inch long. Help..What is it and how do I get rid of them.
This is a camel/cave cricket (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae). These sometimes also are called ‘sprickets’ because of a fancied resemblance to a cross between a spider and a cricket. They basically are nuisance pests that do little if any real harm. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Moth Larva (caterpillar)
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5636 My name is Andrea Moretz. These are very tiny bugs that are on my sun lamp shade. The other picture is a picture of the what I assume is eggs also on the lampshade there are two clusters about the same size. The bug is so tiny I would say it’s smaller than the size of a pencil LED. I live in a desert area that is very hot and dry although we did get rain this week. In the southern region of California in the United States.
This appears to be a newly hatched larva (caterpillar) of a prominent moth (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in the genus Furcula, see for a slightly older specimen. Moths often lay eggs in odd places when they find themselves trapped indoors at a time when they must lay their eggs. Your larvae will quickly starve, as there will be no suitable food source for them indoors. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Click Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5635 This bug was found crawling across the floor of my living room. I live in the rural area of Osoyoos, BC. The weather today is cloudy and 10 C. The insect is a 1/2 inch in length. Would appear it has 6 legs and no antennae that I can see. The back appears to be brown or copper with black in colour, the head would appear to be black and is divided down the middle. It appeared to jump when pressure was applied to it’s back. I have not observed this insect in my home before. I have been outdoors lately hiking in the sage country so am unsure if it came in on my clothing or has been present in my home. After further observation the bug does have antennae and does jump on its own and has 6 legs. Thanks. Ken
This is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae). It is completely harmless, and may be ignored. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
long-horned wood-boring beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5634 Please help me identify this insect. I found it in my house Kitchen floor and on walls. They only show up one or two at a time. Location: Waterford, CT. Thank you, Joyce
This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); it looks like a Megacyllene sp. (locust borer and allies). They will not infest timbers or anything else in your house. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Predaceous diving beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada#5633 Hello, Hoping to identify this bug please. caught April 1, 2016 at dusk (about 8:30pm) west edge of Calgary, Ab. Canadian quarter for scale. Cat caught it in garden mulch near coniferous trees. Thank you, Carol
This is a predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae); likely in the genus Dytiscus. These beetles (and their larvae, ‘water tigers’) are general predators on other small aquatic life forms. They also are excellent fliers, and may be found quit some distance from any water. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Click Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5632 Found this guy in a piece of rotting wood in panhandle north Idaho. Jeff
This is a larva of a beetle, possibly that of Alaus oculatus, a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae); see for an image. These larvae are predaceous on other insects found in rotting wood or under bark of dead trees/logs. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Sow Bug
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5631 We found these bugs all around our garage tonight. It is very obvious that they were hiding around boxes left in the garage over winter. Now that spring is here I found them inside the garage and some around the outside if the house. My brother and friend are telling me they are silverfish and are very hard to get rid of and for the moment are contained out of the living area but we are quite concerned about these bugs getting indoors. I live I’m Edmonton and it’s been warming up to spring like conditions for the past couple weeks already. The garage areas we noticed were dark and damp. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated in identifying and suggestions of how to control these bugs. Thank you. Dearl
This is a terrestrial crustacean in the order Isopoda, possibly in the family Oniscidae. Isopods are known by many common names, including wood lice, pillbugs, sowbugs, roly polys, slaters, etc.; nearly all are harmless scavengers on decomposing organic matter, and will cause no damage. They breathe through gills that must be kept moist, so keeping indoor humidity levels low will discourage them from setting up housekeeping. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada#5630 My name is Lisa. I live in Calgary, Ab. We have had a very mild, dry winter and an early, dry spring. The gophers are out and my dog has been sticking her head down their holes. Within a few days I noticed one of these bugs crawling in her fur. It was hard to kill (simply squishing didn’t do it). Then I found one hopping and crawling in our bed. Our dog sleeps with us. The next morning I found another one in our bed where she sleeps and I had two areas on my arm with small clusters of itchy little bites. My husband has also been bit a time or two. And I have since found a couple more on my dog. She is being treated for fleas and I have vacuumed like crazy, done a million loads of laundry and spread salt everywhere. I have not seen anything more in at least 5 days. The critters that I did catch when put into a pill box jumped around madly. My vet says it’s not fleas as they have wings. What else could it be? My understanding is that bed bugs don’t jump and they don’t have wings either.
These are fleas (order Siphonaptera); likely in the genus Ctenocephalides. If your veterinarian saw wings, they either were very mistaken or were looking at something other than a flea. In addition to consulting a veterinarian, you can find control advice at elsewhere on this site. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Biting bug in bed
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control CanadaHi
#5628 I found this bug in bed biting me. Obviously indoors in spring time (March). Its small about 3mm big or so. In ottawa Ontario. Ginette
Biting? In bed? It seems that you have bed bugs (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Cimicidae; Cimex sp.). See elsewhere on this site for control advice. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Boxelder Bug invasion
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada# 5627 Can you tell me what these bugs are? They are all over our apt building. We have never had them here before. Thanks.
This is a Boxelder bug. For more photos and information see our web page:
Moisture Ant
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5626 Hi these just showed up today on the side of my house. Thousands. So thick i can sweep them with a broom. They look like ants but have wings. Can you figure out what they are. Thanks. David. Toronto.
This is an ant, possibly in the genus Lasius (- see for an example (this one formerly was placed in the genus Acanthomyops, now considered a subgenus of Lasius). Many Lasius species, known collectively as “moisture ants” in the United States, make their nests in and around moist rotting wood as well as under rocks, but are not considered structural pests. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Dermestidae Beetle
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5625 Hi, these photos were taken in downtown Toronto in my condo. It’s winter, but I’ve seen these bugs in different seasons. I’ve only seen them a handful of times and only on the floor. They are only ever these tiny little things that I can barely see. What is it?! Do I need to fumigate?! Thanks. Gillian
This appears to be a beetle in the family Dermestidae (carpet/hide/skin/larder beetles and allies). No need for fumigation, but you probably should check any dry stored food products for signs of insect infestation. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Stink Bug
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5624 Hello, I found your site and looked through your photos and could not identify one that matches what we have. These are in our home, I have killed over 25 of them since moving in aprox. one year ago. The length is 5/8 in long x 3/8 in wide and they do fly. I have generally found them when we have a change in temperature/ warmer day. I live in Plymouth Michigan, which is a suburb of Detroit. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you. Ronald
Like No. 5621, this is a brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5623 Hello, I have found a few of these tiny bugs in my bathroom recently and while I am usually not afraid of, or grossed out by insects, this one looks particularly creepy. It is small; only 1/4″ long; jet black in colour, has 8 legs and 2 disproportionately large pincers of some sort extending out from its head. It did not move while I was observing it so I cannot speak to its movements. I live in a detached, fairly new build house just outside of Sarnia, Ontario. Could you please help to identify this insect and let me know if it should worry me or not? Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!! Regards, Lana
This is not an insect, but is an arachnid called a pseudoscorpion. They are general predators on other mall arthropods and completely harmless to humans. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
True Fly
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5622 Hi, I work outside at works yard and I come across a lot of bugs and especially mosquitos (Pemberton, BC). I’ve just noticed them coming back around but noticed the past 5 or 6 of them are all black and not the usual brown colouring you find here. Can’t find any white spots or stripes that would possibly make it a (Asian) tiger mosquito.
This is not any kind of mosquito, but does appear to be a true fly in the order Diptera. Unfortunately, the condition of the specimen as well as the lack of clarity in the image precludes a more definitive identification. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5621 These are about 1.5cm long, moves very slowly, you can poke it and it won’t mind, can fly but do so rarely. It’s brown despite the picture, they look identical to eachother. Enjoys moisture, often found near faucets and certain old window frames, I’m assuming it eats wood because my house is old and it doesn’t swarm on food. I’m on the border right by Niagara Falls. It smells absolutely terrible when crushed. Any idea?
This is a brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), an introduced species that is both a potentially serious orchard pest and a nuisance pest when large numbers invade buildings in search of shelter. See for more detailed information. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
Stink Bug Carcass
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5620 Hi my name is Angela and I’m from Conyers ga, found this strange looking creature under my bathroom sink.Can you please tell me what it is? Thanks in advance.
This is a very dead stink bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) that has lost all its appendages (legs and antennae). Stink bugs are not usually found indoors, but some, like the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys), can become nuisance pests when they invade buildings in search of shelter. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.
/in Pest Identification /by Pest Control Canada5619 Saw this guy today on Vancouver Island in Qualicum beach. Was about 8 degrees and partly overcast. He was on a large granite boulder that is covered in lichen and moss. Maybe 1/3 centimeter in length. Scarlet red. Thought a spider because 8 legs but looks like a tick. But has a long proboscis and antenna? Very interested to know what this little guy was. Thank you! – Tanya
A puzzler! I first thought that this would be a giant red velvet mite (family Trombidiidae), but on enlarging the image, I could see that its body shape and texture were wrong for that. I now believe that this is Neomulgus littoralis, a snout mite in the family Bdellidae – see for an image. These mites reportedly use their sharp mouthparts to suck the bodily fluids of kelp flies. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.