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leaf beetle

7428.    This bug was roughly half a centimeter long. We’ve seen about 5 of them in the last week either on a wall or on the hardwood floor. All of them have that very distinct brown mark on their back in the same spot. Is this a pest I should be worried about? Coquitlam, BC. Canada


Number 7428.     This appears to be a leaf beetle (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae); likely accidental intruders that will not damage anything indoors. leaf beetle more information.



I’m a first year university student and I have a burning question about ants I was hoping you could help me with. I like ants a lot. I also don’t understand how they exist at all. From what I know, ants have one, or sometimes a few queens, and the rest of the female ants are infertile because of hormones the queen secretes. I’ve also heard that less male offspring reach maturity because the worker ants taking care of the young prioritize resources to the female offspring. This is where my confusion starts. Shouldn’t so few mating individuals leave the population with very low genetic diversity, making them vulnerable to disease and predation and other bad stuff? But it seems to me like the ants are thriving! Since I started thinking about this, about a week ago, I haven’t been able to think about anything else. I tried googling it but I couldn’t find anything (at least not anything I could understand). So now I’m reaching out to you! Thanks in ant-vance! Evelyn 🙂

I don’t think you need to worry overmuch about ants, as they have been incredibly successful (an estimated 20 × 1015 (20 quadrillion) ants on Earth, with a total biomass of 12 megatons of dry carbon. This exceeds the combined biomass of wild birds and mammals – ).

That aside, a queen ant may mate with two or more males, and thus her stored sperm will have a fair amount of genetic diversity. ( ) . Also, outbreeding is fairly common – see for an example.

Finally, for something really different, “Yellow crazy ants (Anoplolepisgracilipes) are the first known species that requires chimerism to create fertile males (Every male ant contains separate populations of cells from two distinct genetic lineages).” See for details.

Woodlouse spider

7427.      2 inch long. Dangerous? Why so large? Mississauga, Ontario. Canada


Number 7427.    This appears to be a woodlouse spider, Dysdera crocata (family Dysderidae). They are capable of inflicting a painful (but not dangerous) bite; see Woodlouse spider detailed information .


Larva of a carpet beetle

7426.       Found this bug on a shirt. It was almost invisible, very fast, way more reddish than it looks in this pic. I thought was a carpet beetle larvae but it does not seem to be oval shaped. Found in South Quebec. Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec. Canada


Number 7426.  This is a larva of a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Anthrenus (varied carpet beetle and allies). See Varied carpet beetle detailed information .


Duff millipedes

7425.      These very small bugs appeared above our lights near the ceiling. The close up image is of one that is ~2 – 3mm in size and is one of the larger ones, they go down to less than a mm. There are several hundred and they are crawling around on the walls and ceiling. It is March on the south coast of BC. Sooke, BC. Canada


Number 7425.    These appear to be duff millipedes (Diplopoda: Polyxenidae; Polyxenus sp.), sometimes also called dwarf or bristly millipedes. Normally found outdoors where they feed primarily on lichens and algae, they cause no harm and do not need control. See Duff millipedes detailed information .


Larva of a Carpet Beetle

7424.       I keep finding these dead and alive in my house every couple months. I got the carpet cleaned but still find these popping up on my furniture and carpet. Edmonton, AB. Canada


Number 7424. This image appears to be a larva of a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Dermestes (larder beetles and allies). See Carpet Beetle control recommendations.

German cockroaches

7423.    Hello I’m just wondering what blind of bugs these are bin my apartment they look like cockroaches but are all different sizes some r different colours.. I used two spray bottles on my place a month ago they where the cheapest kinds I guess my landlord bought when they came down from Toronto where they live.. today I just got two cans of raid spray… Been spraying outlet.. cracks.. microwave stove… Back of fridge… I’m the first person living in this place before it was va fish restaurant then this spicy pearl place… I moved in May ish in Oct at the end when it started to cold it’s been bad since mid Dec to now. I’ve been trying to keep cleaning up as much as I can…. Cornwall


Number 7423. These are German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (Blattodea: Ectobiidae), a peridomestic species difficult to bring under complete control. See German cockroaches control recommendations .

An assassin bug

7422.  Markham, Ontario. Canada


Number 7422. This is Reduvius personatus, an assassin bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae) known as the masked hunter. This is a peridomestic species that feeds on many other arthropods found in buildings; it’s bite is reported to be very painful, but not dangerous to humans. See An assassin bug detailed information .

western conifer seed bug

7421.    What is this? Mississauga, Ontario. Canada


Number 7421.  This is a western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Coreidae). This is an introduced species that has become widely established in North America. They are harmless, but may become nuisances when they enter buildings in search of shelter. See western conifer seed bug detailed information .


My digital keyboard (piano not computer) broke and i took it to a repairman’s house to fix it. When I got to his house, it was like TLC Hoarder’s. I am terrified about bringing home pests—especially cockroaches. He was located in Scarborough. What steps can I take when I pick up my keyboard to make sure I don’t bring anything home? I didn’t realize when I left it there that cockroaches could get inside electronics like that and I am absolutely terrified about bringing something home. Please help me. Whitby

If you have a sturdy clear plastic bag big enough to enclose the keyboard, place the keyboard in it and tightly seal it while at the repairman’s residence. Once home, observe the bag periodically for the presence of any critters (this is why you want a clear bag). If you don’t see any after three days or so, it should be safe to remove and use the keyboard. If any roaches are seen, keep the bag in a cold (below freezing) environment for at least a couple of days. If winter weather does not cooperate, you may have to locate a freezer large enough to accommodate the bag. Alternatively, if the electronic components will tolerate heat, you could place the bag in the direct sunlight until the internal temperature is ~120F (~50C). A couple of hours at that temperature should kill any unwanted inhabitants.

Domesticated pet rats

Hello, I’m hoping to get domesticated pet rats soon but my landlord is concerned that the smell of them will attract other wild rodents as they’ve had rodent infestations in the past. I don’t see this being an issue and have seen others say that it’s a complete myth. I’d like to know if this is a real concern that I should consider? Thank you so much for your time, Kamloops

That is unlikely, but they could be attracted to improperly stored pet food – see for details.

Long-horned wood-boring beetle

7420.     We found a few in our house. Petit-Rocher-Ouest, NB. Canada


Number 7420.   This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The only species in this family that will infest established dwellings is the old house borer, Hylotrupesbajulus, but your image is not clear enough to either confirm or reject that possibility .As the larvae of several species can take several years to complete their development, it is not at all uncommon for adult beetles to emerge indoors some time after a house has been built. Another possibility is emergence from firewood; see Long-horned wood-boring beetle detailed information .

Carpet beetle

7419.    Length 5mm. Found in my bed. Thank you kindly for your review! Mississauga, Ontario. Canada


Number 7419.  This has the appearance of a carpet beetle (Coleoptera; Dermestidae) in the genus Attagenus (black carpet beetles and allies). See Carpet beetle control advice .

Dark-winged fungus gnats

7418.   Courtenay, BC…Jan-Feb…these flies are about 1 mm in size, and we find them dead on windowsills in our bathroom and walk in closets. We do not see them alive…any id and advice? Courtenay, BC, Canada


Number 7418.   I cannot identify these with certainty, but they likely are dark-winged fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae). Their larvae (maggots) usually are found in very moist/wet soil having a high organic material content. They sometimes will damage very tender below-ground plant parts, especially in greenhouses or potted plants. Allowing soil to dry out as much as practical between waterings usually discourages them. The adult flies are completely harmless. See Dark-winged fungus gnats control suggestions .


7417.   Found in my son plastic super block at the bottom there were a lot of them. Beauharbois, Quebec. Canada


Number 7417.    These appear to be booklice (Psocodea: Liposcelidae). These primarily are nuisance pests that very seldom cause any real harm. They feed mainly on mould spores and bits of organic debris. See Booklice detailed information .

Lady beetle

7416.    Hello. These little flying bugs are in a condominium in Ottawa. The photo was taken in December, 2022. There have been a number of them since the fall. I really appreciate you taking the time to look this up! North Vancouver, BC. Canada


Number 7416.     This is a lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae); it looks like an Asian multicoloured lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis. These often enter buildings in the autumn, in search of hibernating sites. Although they do no direct harm inside, they can be serious nuisances when they congregate in large numbers. See Lady beetle detailed information .

Minute brown scavenger beetle

7415.     This is a close up placed on a paper towel. The bug is very small (<5mm) in length. Okotoks, Alberta. Canada


Number 7415.    This specimen is too incomplete for a confident identification. That aside, if it is less than 3 mm long, it might be a minute brown scavenger beetle (Coleoptera: Latridiidae). These feed primarily on decomposing vegetable matter and mould spores; some species may be found in dry stored food products, but are not considered serious pests. See brown scavenger beetle detailed information .

Eastern boxelder bug

7414.    Flys and are everywhere! Rowlett, United States


Number 7414.    This is an eastern boxelder bug, Boisea trivittata (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Rhopalidae). This is a very common and widespread nuisance pest that seldom does any real damage. See Eastern boxelder bug detailed information .

Darkling beetle

7413.    Hi, as previously stated I’m from Calgary AB. I sent in a different picture of these guys wandering around the house last October (file #7406). Your analysis was a Darkling beetle that infects dry stored goods. On that advice I completely cleared and checked all food, shelves & drawers in my pantry at that time and did not find a single one, however there were still some lingering around the house. Yesterday I found this lone fellow, hope this is a clearer picture for you to re-examine and re-assess and give provide me your findings. Thanks


Number 7413.    This definitely is a darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae); most likely in the genus Tenebrio. Only a few species in this family can be considered pests; the vast majority do no harm. See Darkling beetle detailed information .

Woolly aphid

7412.      Central Alabama, afternoon, about 80F degrees. No way to measure size but compared to my skin – very small. Too small? Pelham, Alabama. United States


Number 7412.      This appears to be a woolly aphid (Hemiptera/ : Aphididae); it strongly resembles an introduced species known as the Asian woolly hackberry aphid (Shivaphis celti) – see woolly aphid detailed information .


7411.        Found in my bathroom on Oct 23, 2022. Campbellford, Ontario. Canada


Number 7411.      This is a pseudoscorpion, an arachnid related to spiders and true scorpions that prey on other small arthropods. They are non-venomous and harmless to humans. Pseudoscorpion detailed information .

Crab spider

7410.       Found on my neck inside my house. Campbellford, Ontario. Canada



Number 7410.      This is a crab spider (family Thomisidae); possibly in the genus Xysticus. These are ambush predators on other small arthropods, and harmless to humans. See crab spider detailed information .

7410.       Found on my neck inside my house. Campbellford, Ontario. Canada



Number 7410.    This is an introduced species known as a tuxedo bug, Raglius alboacuminatus (Hemipter/Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae. See Tuxedo bug detailed information & control suggestions .

Tuxedo bug

7409.      How do we get rid of these bugs? Armstrong, BC. Canada



Number 7409.    This is an introduced species known as a tuxedo bug, Raglius alboacuminatus (Hemipter/Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae. See Tuxedo bug detailed information & control suggestions .

Gray squirrel

7408.      Woodrat or eastern grey Squirrel? Moncton, NB. Canada



Number 7408.     This is a Gray squirrel.

Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7407.        I see a few of these in my basement during summer mostly. Calgary, Alberta. Canada



Number 7407.     This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). These often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there.

Darkling beetle

7406.      I found some of these in my house in Calgary, AB. Not sure if they all wondered in or is it something I should be more concerned about. They are 3/16” long, don’t fly and have 6 legs. Please help me determine what they are and how to deal with them.



Number 7406.     The image is not clear enough for a confident identification. That aside, it resembles a darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The vast majority of these are not pests, but as a few species will infest dry stored food products, you may want to check your pantry for signs of insect infestation. See Darkling beetle detailed information .

Giant eastern crane fly

7405.        Memramcook area in NB Canada. First of September, 2022 – 6am, photo with phone camera on the plastic siding of a HOUSE. Moncton, NB. Canada



Number 7405.    What a beautiful insect! It’s a giant eastern crane fly, Pedicia albivitta (Diptera: Tipulidae). See Giant eastern crane fly detailed information .

nymph of a brown marmorated stink bug

7404.      Hello, I have found one of these in my bed when I woke up, and I would like to know if this bug will bite in your sleep, thank you. Toronto, ON. Canada



Number 7404.    This is a nymph of a brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). This is an introduced species that has become a pest, primarily in orchards, in many areas of North America. They will come indoors in search for shelter, but do no harm there, and will not bite. See Brown marmorated stink bug detailed information 

Camel/cave cricket

7403.      Indoors, summer, the insect hops so I was thinking it was a grasshopper ? Calgary, Alberta. Canada



Number 7403.    This is a camel/cave cricket (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae). They are for the most part nuisance pests, usually found in dark, damp situations such as basements, caves, under logs, etc. See Camel/cave cricket Detailed Information 

European garden spider

7402.        Please identify this spider. Campbellford, ON. Canada



Number 7402.    This is Araneus diadematus, a very common and widespread orb weaver known as the cross spider or European garden spider. See Cross Orb-weaver detailed information .

Plant bug

7401.        Please help us identify this bug! It is everywhere this summer but we haven’t seen it before at our house. Approximately 6mm in length, attracted to light. Very quick, jumps and flies. Just found so many of them hiding in my dahlias, either eating the buds or eating something else that ate the buds? I can’t be sure. They are frustrating as they keep getting in the house. It’s been very hot and dry, presumably the weather has to do with how many there are? It looks like some type of Hemiptera but I can’t narrow it down any further and we would love to know! Any info much appreciated. Thank you! Edmonton, AB. Canada



Number 7401.    This is a plant bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Miridae); it looks like a tarnished plant bug (also known as a lygus bug), Lygus lineolaris. These will do no damage indoors, but can e pests of quite a few garden and field plants – Click here

Larva of a larder beetle

7400.        Think it might be a carpet bettle. Saint john, NB. Canada



Number 7400.      This is a larva of a larder beetle, Dermestes lardarius (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) or a close relative. See Carpet Beetle Control Recommendation .

Nymph of a true bug

7399.        I thought it’s a tiny ant on my carpet. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada



Number 7399.      This is a nymph of a true bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera); a harmless accidental intruder.

Orb-weaving spider

7398.        Have never seen this spider before. Curious about it’s identity. Boissevain, Manitoba. Canada



Number 7398.      This is an orb-weaving spider (family Araneidae) in the genus Araneus; most likely a cat-faced spider, Araneus gemmoides – see cat-faced spider detailed information .

Pupal cases of a muscoid fly

7397.        These eggs were found on cotton bag in kitchen under other plastic bags, many thanks. Chessington, Surrey. United Kingdom



Number 7397.      These are empty pupal cases of a muscoid fly.

Two-spotted stink bug

7396.        Regina, Saskatchewan. Canada



Number 7396.      This is a two-spotted stink bug, Perillus bioculatus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). This is a predatory species that appears to prefer dining on the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle – see two-spotted stink bug detailed information .

Male lynx spider

7395.        Yonglan, Imphal Manipur. India



Number 7395.       This is a male lynx spider (family Oxyopidae) that is missing three of its legs. See lynx spider specimen . They do not spin capture webs, but either ambush or pursue their prey; they have quite good eyesight. See lynx spider detailed information .

Caterpillar of a sphinx moth

7394.         I found this on my patio! I have never seen one like this before! St. Johns, Nfld. Canada



Number 7394.     This is a caterpillar of a sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). I cannot be absolutely certain, but it most likely is Sphinx kalmiae, known as the laurel or fawn sphinx. See fawn sphinx detailed information .

Terrestrial crustacean

7393.       This bug crawls out of my grass as soon as I start mowing. Any idea what it is? Thanks. Calgary, AB. Canada



Number 7393.    This is a terrestrial crustacean in the order Isopoda. They go by several common names, including sowbugs, pillbugs, and roly polys. The feed primarily on decomposing organic matter and are completely harmless. See sowbugs detailed information 

Cat-faced spider

7392.      I don’t know the species of this spider. The abdomen is the size of a man’s thumbnail. It weaves characteristic and regular spider webs (radiating spokes with a center). I’ve never seen such a large spider in Saskatchewan. My parents would come out to marvel at the spider every night as it sits on its web. Saskatoon, SK. Canada



Number 7392.     This is Araneus gemmoides, known as the cat-faced spider. It is common and widespread in North America; see Cat-faced spider more information .

Leaf beetle

7391.    A person brought beans and pulses. to the house. The container they were in was suddenly crawling with these. They are small. There was also Indian food there. Ottawa, ON. Canada



Number 7391.    This is a leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the subfamily Bruchinae; these are known as pea or bean weevils. Your specimen appears to be a cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus. See Leaf beetle more information .

Nymphs of the eastern boxelder bug

7390.      Zoom in to see individual bugs as there were thousands of them . suspect termites? Burlington, Ontario. Canada


Number 7390.    These are nymphs of the eastern boxelder bug, Boisea trivittatus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Rhopalidae), a very common nuisance pest. See boxelder bug image .

Orb weaver

7389.      Seen this spider in summer till now. I have 2 in the front of my home, one under siding above a window and one in the crevice of our self roll up garden hose gadget, and one at the back under roof above kitchen door.. Webs are large. They don’t seem aggressive but I find the design on the orbital part of the body fascinating. I stay close to highway 16 so I am not sure if they are native to our area or hitchhiked a ride on any transport trucks from Haida Gwaii to Alberta and from Dease Lake to Vancouver. Skeena–Bulkley Valley, British Columbia. Canada


Number 7389.    This is an orb weaver in the genus Araneus, most likely A. gemmoides; see Orb weaver image . This species is native to British Columbia.


7388.      I thought it was a moth but it moves around more like a leaf or tree hopper. The head is the pinkish part, has 3 legs on either side (total 6), was the size of a small pea. Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7388.    This appears to be a treehopper (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Membracidae), but the image is not clear enough to be absolutely certain. See treehopper detailed information .

Nymph of a true bug

7387.      Found a dozen in one day. Mainly crawling on interior walls in my third floor apartment. Just want to make sure they are not harmful. Vancouver, BC. Canada

Number 7387.      The is of a very young nymph of a true bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera), likely in the family Rhopalidae, such as a boxelder bug (Boiseatrivittata). These can be nuisance pests when they get indoors, but cause no real harm. See boxelder bug detailed information .

Forked fungus beetle

7386.      On our walks my husband and I had come across these bugs on a fungi. We have never seen these in the 12 years of walking our path. We are very curious on what they are etc. Thank you in advance for your information on this. Cherry Grove, Alberta. Canada


Number 7386.      This is a male forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). They and their larvae feed in and on shelf fungi; see Forked fungus beetle detailed information .


7385.      What is this? I found it on my bed. I have bites too. Gatineau, Quebec. Canada


Number 7385.      This is an aphid (Hemiptera/ Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae). Sometimes called plant lice, aphids are sap feeders on a very wide variety of plants, and some species vector viral diseases of plants. They do not bite people. See Aphid Detailed Information .

Marbled orb weaver

7384.      My best guess is a variety of Orb Weaver Spider? East St. Paul, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7384.      It is indeed an orb weaver (family Araneidae); it most likely is a marbled orb weaver, Araneus marmoreus. This species comes in a very wide variety of colour patterns. See Marbled orb weaver detailed information .

Hairy chinch bug

7383.      There was over 300 all over my house brick walls this sunny and hot afternoon, had not seen a single one before that time. Around 30 minutes after mowing the lawn I realized they were everywhere. Have not seen one inside yet but I guess they could just be hiding ? Montreal, Quebec. Canada


Number 7383.    This looks like a hairy chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Blissidae) a common lawn/turf pest. See Hairy chinch bug detailed information .

Nymph of an assassin bug

7382.      This was on a cake that was in a box in our fridge. It’s really small and started to move when we tried to touch it to see if it was even a bug. Richmond Hill, ON. Canada


Number 7382.    This appears to be a nymph of an assassin bug known as a masked hunter (Reduvius personatus; Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae), a cosmopolitan species often found indoors and reputed to have a very painful ‘bite’- see Assassin Bug Detailed Information .

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