Grass spider
7303. I found this Spider trapped in the sink bowl. Ottawa, On. Canada
Number 7303. This is a very gravid female grass spider (family Agelenidae) in the genus Agelenopsis. They are not dangerous to humans. Grass spider detailed information
Many thanks to pestcontrol Canada for your reply. In the light of its safe-to- human nature, we attempted to un trap the poor spider by directing it into a jam jar ( empty of course) and released it in the garden. We were not sure what is the ideal habitat for this species. Your advise will be valuable for our future ventures – or intrusion , into the mother nature kingdom.
Many thanks for your reply. In the light of its safe-to- human nature, we attempted to un trap the poor spider by directing it into a jam jar ( empty of course) and released it in the garden. We were not sure what is the ideal habitat for this species. Your advise will be valuable for our future ventures – or intrusion , into the mother nature kingdom.