Rove beetle

7481.    We have lots of these in the house in the last few weeks. They have an orange area in the middle of the body and some have wings. We put out sticky pads to capture them. New Bothwell, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7481.   This is a rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). The vast majority of these beetles are general predators on other small invertebrates; there is no need to control them. See Rove Beetle Detailed Information .


Larva of a dermestid beetle

7480.      My client originally thought her cat and son’s dog had fleas and bought medication from us. The owner claims she gets bugs on herself and has developed a rash on her back. She had a fumigator come to her house and says it seemed a bit better since. Yesterday she brought us the bug in the picture. Is it a carpet beetle? What is the best way to get rid of them? Cochrane, Alberta. Canada


Number 7480.   This appears to be a larva of a dermestid beetle in the genus Trogoderma. They will feed on a very wide variety of seeds as well as dead insects and animals, cereal products, candy, cocoa, corn, corn meal, dog food (dried and ‘burgers’), fishmeal, flour, oatmeal, milk powder, spaghetti, spices, peas, wheat, barley, and pollen. In grain, they cannot feed on whole grain, but can feed on broken kernels that are usually present. The best control is prevention; start by examining all potentially infestable products in your home, discarding anything that appears to be infested. Then, give all storage areas a thorough cleaning. In the future, store all potentially infestable products in sealable glass, plastic, or metal containers.


Grain beetles

7479.       Found in kitchen pantry. Also appears to have burrowed in charcuterie board. Burlington, Ontario. Canada


Number 7479.  This appears to be one of the grain beetles in the genus Oryzaephilus (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). They can be pests in dry stored food products such as flour, baking mixes, dry cereals, dry pet food, etc. I suggest inspecting your food storage areas for any signs of insect infestation. See Grain beetles detailed information 


Beetles – Dermestidae

7478.      I have been finding these beetles (?) crawling inside our house in random places at least once day for the past few weeks. They can fly but almost never do, move very slowly and are easy to pick up. Approx 5 mm in lengths. It is February, we live in Black Mountain area of Kelowna, lots of trees around. Kelowna, BC. Canada


Number 7478.    These are beetles in the family Dermestidae (hide/skin/carpet beetles and allies); it looks like Megatoma variegata, a species native to the Pacific Northwest – see Beetles – Dermestidae detail information


Dark-winged fungus gnat

7477.      Not sure what those flies are, I have a few of them in the house ( bathroom, kitchen ). The weather is fairly cold at this time of the year. Could it come from one of my plants? Thank you. Gatineau, QC. Canada


Number 7477.     This appears to be a dark-winged fungous gnat (Diptera: Sciaridae). Although usually just nuisance pests, larvae of some species can damage roots and other soft plant tissues of potted plants that are in contact with soil. They need very moist/wet soil in order to thrive, so one of the simplest control measures is simply to let the soil dry out as much as practical between waterings. See Dark-winged fungus gnat control suggestions .



7476.     Port au Choix, Newfoundland and Labrador. Canada


Number 7476.    This is a moth in the family Geometridae; their caterpillars are known as loopers, inchworms, or spanworms. This is a huge family, but only a few specie are serious pests. See Geometridae Video Clip


Thread-legged bug

7475.     Found late at night in the kitchen walking (slowly) on the kitchen counter. Aproximately the size of an American dime. Pelham, Alabama. United States


Number 7475.     This is thread-legged bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae; subfamily Emesinae). Most are general predators on other small arthropods; some specialize on spiders, and may steal the spiders’ prey as well. Very interesting insects that many people never see.


larva of carpet beetle

7474.    3 mm long insect found next to my grandpas day bed. Vancouver, BC. Canada


Number 7474.    This appears to be a partial larva of carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Anthrenus. See carpet beetle control suggestions .


Boxelder bug

7473.    Calgary, AB. Canada


Number 7473.    This appears to be a boxelder bug, Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Rhopalidae; Boisea sp., most likely a western boxelder bug, Boisea rubrolineata – see Boxelder bug clip


Leaf-footed bug

7472.     Saw this near our trash inside our home today. wondering if it’s a kissing bug? It’s my first time seeing this so I’m a little bit worried cause I have kids around. London, Ontario. Canada


Number 7472.    This is a harmless leaf-footed bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Coreidae), likely a western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis). These often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. See Leaf-footed bug detailed information .



7471.    Ottawa, Ontario. Canada


Number 7471.    This is a weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). If it is very small (less than 4 mm), it could be one of the granary weevils in the genus Sitophilus. Just to be safe, you should check all food storage areas for signs of insect infestation. See weevil detailed information 


Larva of carpet beetle

7470.     Hello, We got a few bites this month, like giant mosquito bites but really itchy and large (and we don’t usually react to mosquitos). Checked our room for bedbugs but found no signs at all. But in the room next to us where our laudry piles up and next to a window that has holes in the screen, we found a few of these bugs. They do not seem to jump or fly and are maybe 1-3 millimeters in size. Please let us know! ETOBICOKE, Ontario. Canada


Number 7470.     This is a larva of carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Anthrenus. It is very unlikely to be the cause of your bite symptoms. See carpet beetle control suggestions .


Grain beetles

7469.    Found indoors, in a ground floor condo, smaller than a grain of rice. Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7469.    This appears to be one of the grain beetles (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) in the genus Oryzaephilus (saw-toothed and merchant grain beetles). They will infest a wide variety of dry stored food products, and nay become pantry pests – see Grain beetles detailed information .


Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7468.    Trying to figure out what this bug is… flea? Kitchener Ontario. Canada


Number 7468.    This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). These often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there.


Bot fly

7467.    This was crawling across my living room floor. Is it a bot fly larva? Can they just come into a home on their own? we have no pets or kids. Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7467.  It is a mature bot fly (Diptera: Oestridae; subfamily Cuterebrinae) larva that has emerged from its host (most likely a rodent or rabbit) and is seeking a safe place to undergo pupation. These are incapable of entering buildings on their own. See Bot fly detailed information


Orb weaver

7466.      Temple City, California 91780. United States


Number 7466.  This is an orb weaver (family Araneidae), it looks like a Neoscona sp., possibly N. crucifera.


Argiope aurantia

7465.        Hanging in window, outside. Large! Elora, ON. Canada


Number 7465.    This is Argiope aurantia, a very common and widespread orb weaving spider (family Araneidae). Because of its very wide geographic range, it goes by a wide variety of common names. See Argiope aurantia examples . All orb weavers are harmless to humans.


Female Argiope aurantia

7464.        Very large spider. Meteghan, NS. Canada


Number 7464.    This is a female Argiope aurantia, a very common and widespread orb weaver (family Araneidae) that goes by a wide variety of common names. Like all other orb weavers, it is harmless to humans. See Argiope aurantia more information.


Smokybrown cockroach

7463.        It only come out in the light, very fast, around the sink. I’m in GA. I noticed it has a line but some don’t have a line. I tried putting peppermint oil around the counter but it does not fade this bug. Decatur, GA. United States


Number 7463.      This is a nymph of a smokybrown cockroach, Periplaneta fuliginosa (Blattodea: Blattidae) . See Smokybrown cockroach information and Smokybrown cockroach more information .


Grain beetles

7462.         We live in Montreal and these are in our pantry and randomly throughout our apartment. Montreal, QC. Canada


Number 7462.     The image is too small for me to be certain, but it might be one of the grain beetles (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) in the genus Oryzaephilus; these are quite common pantry pests. See Grain beetles more information .


Winged ant

7461.        There is a swarm of these bugs dropping onto my back deck, car, roof just everywhere they land. The swarm is flying above some trees in my backyard. I am unable to identify them myself, hoping you guys can! Thanks 🙂 Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia. Canada


Number 7461.    This a winged ant, but I cannot tell which species it might be. Swarming of winged ants is just a part of their mating ritual – see Winged ant details .


Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7460.         Hi, What is this bug? We found this at my son’s cloth. So scared. Vancouver, BC. Canada


Number 7460.      This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). These weevils often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there.


Rove beetle

7459.        We are on Vancouver Island in a rural area. We suddenly have an influx of small insects in the house. They are quite slow moving, don’t fly, are about 5-6mm long, and seem to be all over the floors. I have never seen them before although we have lived here for 12 years. It has rained recently for the first time in quite a while, but that is the only change in weather. Any thoughts as to what these might be would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Ladysmith, B.C. Canada


Number 7459.        This is a rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). The vast majority of these beetles are general predators on other small invertebrates, mostly other insects. Rove beetle detailed information .


Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7457.         Multiple inside the house. West St Paul, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7457.       This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). They often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil image .


Cobweb/comb-footed spider

7456.        Found in small tangled web behind door, near floor. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada


Number 7456.     This is Steatoda triangulosa, a cobweb/comb-footed spider (family Theridiidae) known as the triangulate cobweb spider. Although belonging to the same family as the widow spiders, it is harmless to humans. See Cobweb/comb-footed spider detailed information .



7455.           We found them in the kitchen floor. They are active only at night and are very fast! LaSalle, QC. Canada


Number 7455.    This is a firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae). They and their close cousins, silverfish (Lepisma saccharina), are scavengers that will feed on just about any organic material, Usually considered nuisance pests, large populations, if left undisturbed, can damage items such as fabrics, wallpaper, books, and other paper. See Firebrat detailed information , including control suggestions.


Cicada nymph

7454.          What kind of insect is this and does it bite? Scarborough, ON. Canada


Number 7454.      This appears to be the empty ‘shell’ (exoskeleton) of a cicada nymph (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae). When cicada nymphs have completed their development under ground, they tunnel up to the surface and seek out some vertical surface to climb up on, where they will then shed their exoskeleton and rest a while before taking wing as adults. They do not bite.


Ground spider

7453.            Found on deck at back of house. Ottawa, ON. Canada


Number 7453.       This is a ground spider (family Gnaphosidae) in the genus Sergiolus, most likely S. montanus – see Ground spider image . They are not dangerous to humans.


Great golden digger wasp

7452.         I have more pictures but they won’t upload. Please email if more are required. I have never seen this bug before. Inkerman, Ontario. Canada


Number 7452.     This appears to be a great golden digger wasp, Sphex ichneumoneus (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). The female wasp digs burrows in the soil that she then provisions with insects (most often relatives of grasshoppers) that she has paralyzed with her sting. These serve as food for her developing larvae. See Great golden digger wasp detailed information .


Lace bug

7451.        Hi, we cannot find this tiny bug ID anywhere. For a size comparison the stitching seen on the photo is the stitching on an IPAD cover. We have lived in Medicine Hat for 50 years and never seen this one before. I hope the picture is clear enough as we had to zoom in and save it as the bug was so tiny. Thanks. Medicine Hat, AB. Canada


Number 7451.    This is a lace bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Tingidae). These are sap feeders, usually found on the underside of leaves. See Lace bug image .


Predaceous diving beetle

7450.         Fredericton, Nb. Canada


Number 7450.     This is a mature larva of a predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae); it has completed the aquatic phase of its life cycle, and has emerged from the water in search of a safe place to undergo pupation.


Caterpillar of a sphinx moth

7449.        What kind of worm is this. White City, Sk. Canada


Number 7449.    This is a caterpillar of a sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae); most likely that of an Achemon sphinx, Eumorpha achemon. They feed primarily on the leaves of wild grape, Virginia creeper, and related vines. See Sphinx moth information .


scarab beetle

7448.         Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7448.  This is a scarab beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the genus Osmoderma, most likely O. eremicola. Commonly known as the hermit flower beetle, hermit beetle, “odor-of-leather beetle” (for strong odor of “Russian Leather”), their larvae develop in rotten, punky wood. See scarab beetle details on their biology .