Thousands of pest photos submitted for identification.

Scarab beetle

7362.        Found this guy, dead on the floor in the closet where we store the cat food. He is almost 1.5cm long. Reddish-Brown in colour. I’ve never seen him before and cannot identify him with what I’ve searched online. New Westminster, British Columbia. Canada


Number 7362.      This is a scarab beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae); it appears to be one of the so-called May beetles/June bugs in the genus Phyllophaga. They are foliage feeders, but seldom do serious damage, but the larvae of some species (‘white grubs’) can be destructive pests of lawns/turf, feeding on the roots of grasses. See Scarab beetle detailed information 


7361.       What is this bug. Lethridge, Alberta. Canada


Number 7361.     It’s an aphid (Hemiptera/Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae); likely a giant conifer aphid in the genus Cinara – see Aphid example & Aphid Detailed Information


If dragnet pesticide was applied to vegetables, how long do u need to wait before vegetables can be eaten. Brampton

The active ingredient in Dragnet, Permethrin, breaks down very rapidly outdoors when exposed to full sunlight. Under those conditions, produce should be safe to consume a day or two after application.

Powderpost beetles

I have had my house sprayed twice for powder post beetles and months have passed without seen any activity and just today I’ve noticed a couple of Powder hills what can I used to further treat since they don’t seem to be going away? Hamilton. ON

In many instance, retreatments are necessary for control of powderpost beetles, as standard surface applications of pesticides will kill only emerging adults rather than larvae since the insecticide will penetrate only slightly into the wood. In cases of very extensive infestations, particularly in hard-reach areas, fumigation may be required.

Crab spider

7360.        Found in a plastic bin in the back yard on June 19, 2022 in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada in the late afternoon, early evening, 22C, mostly cloudy. It’s about the size of my pinky fingernail. Fort McMurray, AB. Canada


Number 7360.    This is a crab spider (family Thomisidae). These are ambush predators that sit and wait for something to come into grabbing range. Many species can be found on flowers and other vegetation. See Crab spider detailed information 


7359.        Taber, AB. Canada


Number 7359.    This is an aphid (Hemiptera/Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae). These all are sap feeders, and some species are important vectors of viral plant diseases. See Aphid Detailed Information

Nymph of a cicada

7358.        Found on South Pender Island BC Canada.


Number 7358.    This is a nymph of a cicada (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) in the genus Okanagana. They feed underground on the roots of trees, and when mature, tunnel up to the surface to change into the adult form.

Clear-winged moth

7357.        I looked through a bug list of all wasps, moths and similar shaped insects and could not positively identify this insect based on markings. One list for Ontario, one for Michigan. I suspect it is an ichumen wasp or blue winged wasp along some part of its lifecycle or even a separate sub species that was not available on other sites. Where I expected a stinger at the rear of the insect was a soft fleshy translucent appendage it looked to be using to probe it’s surroundings. This was covered in small hairs. I am no expert and the lists only comprised of 200 odd-ish insects. Enterprise, Ontario. Canada


Number 7357.    This is a clear-winged moth (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in the genus Synanthedon. It looks like a peach tree borer – see Clear-winged moth detailed information 

Leaf-footed bug

7356.        Found this crawling on the wall outside my house. Barrie, ON. Canada


Number 7356.    This appears to be a leaf-footed bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Coreidae). It does not appear to be known pest species. See  Leaf-footed bug detailed information 

Elm sawfly

7355.        This was on a daylily plant in our front yard on approximately June 13 in the early afternoon. Regina, SK. Canada


Number 7355.    This is an elm sawfly, Cimbex americana (Hymenoptera: Cimbicidae). They lack a sting and are completely harmless; see Elm sawfly detailed information 

Fishing spider

7354.        I found this spider 2 weeks ago on my concrete basement floor. Did not find any web. Must have been feeding on the spider crickets that make their way into my basement. It is quite large, about 3 inches from tip of legs. I put it on a regular napkin for visual size reference. Can you please identify and let me know if it is aggressive and how venomous is the bite. Thanks! Sewell, NJ. United States


Number 7354.    This is a fishing spider (family Pisauridae) in the genus Dolomedes. They are not aggressive, but large specimens can deliver a painful (but not dangerous) bite if handled carelessly. See Fishing spider detailed information 

Larva of a tortoise beetle

7353.        Unfamiliar insect in potato patch at new home. Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7353.   This looks like a larva of a tortoise beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; subfamily Cassidinae). These feed primarily on the leaves of plants in the morning glory and potato/tomato families, but seldom are abundant enough to cause real harm. See tortoise beetle detailed information

Drugstore beetle

7352.        I think this might be a bed bug! Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7352.    This appears to be a drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). This beetle, along with its look-alike cousin the cigarette beetle, can infest a very wide variety of dry stored food products. See Drugstore beetle detailed information 

Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7351.        Found indoors, found 2, slightly south of Ottawa, June , thank you for your time. RICHMOND, Ontario. Canada


Number 7351.    This a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). These often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil image

Spring fishfly

7350.        Flew very silently into nearby tree after a while of being on my thumb. Found on screen door, plucked gently off of it and placed on thumb. Was wondering, what is it? It looks pretty cool, but my family is arguing about it being a type of grasshopper or moth. Personally I was going for a type of cicada, but it made no noise after being found or before. Owen Sound, Ontario. Canada


Number 7350.      This is a spring fishfly, Chauliodes rastricornis (Megaloptera: Corydalidae). It is harmless; see Spring fishfly detailed information  

Click beetle

7349.        We have been seeing multiple pests like this one in our home since mid-May 2022 to now. This particular pest is 4mm long but we have also seen smaller, similar ones that range from 1-3 mm in length. For the past few weeks, it has been at times hot, humid and also rainy outdoors in Pointe-Claire, QC but the temperature in our home is controlled at roughly 21 degrees c everyday. Pointe-Claire, Quebec. Canada


Number 7349.      This is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae); an accidental intruder that will do no harm. Click Beetle detailed information 


7348.        This landed (fell off of me?) on my cutting board today around 6pm. Hamilton, Ontario. Canada


Number 7348.      This is a springtail (order Collembola), a primitive arthropod closely related to true insects. It is harmless. Springtails Detailed Information 

March flies

7347.        Noticed these bugs swarming at night time , attracted to light. Could you please help me identify please. Na, St etienne de bolton. Canada


Number 7347.      These are march flies (Diptera; Bibionidae); completely harmless. March flies detailed information 

Click beetle

7345.        Found this in our living room which is where our ac unit is. Also have a balcony window there so I’m hoping this guy got in by accident. I don’t think this is a cockroach but hoping someone here can assure me it isn’t. Toronto, ON. Canada


Number 7345.      This most likely is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Definitely an accidental intruder that will do no harm. See Click Beetle detailed information 

Click beetle

7346.        Hi, I hope you can help me please. I found this on my bed this morning and it totally frightened me. Not sure what it is. I looked up bedbugs but this seems longer and narrower than a bed bug. This insect seems to have ridges going down it’s back but not across the back as do bed bugs. I think it had clear colored wings and 6 legs. I hope my photo is clear enough for you to see. I went on a wild housecleaning rampage all day. I haven’t seen another one. Abbotsford, BC. Canada


Number 7346.    This is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae); an accidental intruder that will do no harm.  See Click Beetle detailed information 

Pea/Bean weevil

7344.       A whole bunch of these have begun appearing in my house. They almost exclusively appear climbing up one of my windows during the day. I rarely see them elsewhere. They are pretty slow and dopey. They will fly, although they prefer to climb and walk. I’ve been vacuuming them up. Interestingly, their instinct to being disturbed is to fall and curl up into a ball. For example, if my vacuum touches the window, about half of them on the window will fall down onto the sill. They don’t seem to be damaging anything, and they’re easy enough to deal with, but I would like to identify them. Toronto, ON. Canada


Number 7344.    This looks like a pea/bean weevil (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; subfamily Bruchinae). This appears to be a pea/bean weevil (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; subfamily Bruchinae); see Pea/Bean Weevil image . Their larvae develop in whole seeds, usually those of plants in the legume family. You should check all areas where seeds of any kind (including bird seed) are stored for signs of infestation ( Pea/Bean weevil example ) and discard/destroy any items found to be infested/damaged.


7343.      Hello, could you identified for me this insect? They are lot’s of these inside a RBNB house, in the kitchen, bathroom. There is no food in the house. Thanks. VOLOS, Magnesia. Greece


Number 7343.     These are weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). If they are quite small (4 mm or less), they may be grain/granary weevils in the genus Sitophilus These primarily infest whole grains such as rice, wheat, and corn (maize). weevils example

Carpet beetle

7342.        Hopped onto my clothes while I was walking into my house. I’m not sure what kind of bug this is? Windsor, Ontario. Canada


Number 7342.    This most likely a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Anthrenus (such as the varied carpet beetle). See Carpet Beetle Detailed Information 

Carpet beetle

7341.          I suspect this might be a carpet beetle but I cannot find any larvea or infestation area so I’m not sure. Started finding these in early spring (around middle of march). I would catch about 1 of these a week on my window sill although this particular bug was caught crawling on my shirt while I was wearing it. This specimen is about 3-4 mm in length, looks black but has some light brown and even white stripe-like pattern on the back. They have a hard shell (they crunch when I squash them). I hope you can help me identify them. Thank you for your time! Edmonton, Alberta. Canada


Number 7341.      This is a carpet beetle (Coleoptera; Dermestidae) in the genus Anthrenus. These beetles often are found at windows where they are attempting to follow the light to get outdoors. Unlike their destructive larvae, the adults primarily are pollen feeders. See Carpet Beetle Control Recommendation .

Carolina Mantleslug

7340.          Although aware of a species of slug called “banana” slug, I’m tempted to call this creature a “rotten banana” slug. I’m in central Alabama on 4/16/2022. Mild temperatures and recent rains. Pelham, Alabama. United States

Number 7340.      Possibly a Carolina mantleslug, Philomycus carolinianus, see Carolina Mantleslug Images .

Cigarette beetle

7339.         Toronto, ON. Canada


Number 7339.      This looks like a cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). It and its close cousin, the drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum, are cosmopolitan pests that feed on all kinds of plant material including tobacco, seeds, grain, nuts, beans, spices, cottonseed meal, dried fruits and vegetables, flour, spices, and dried herbarium specimens. Animal products such as dead insects, dried fish and fish meal, and leather may also be attacked. See Cigarette Beetle Detailed Information 

Bee fly

7338.        This bug looks like a very tiny hummingbird but has 6 legs. its wingspan is about an inch and is just over 1/2 inch in body with a stinger or beak 1/8”. Burnaby, B.C. Canada


Number 7338.     This is a bee fly (Diptera: Bombyliidae); it looks like Bombylius anthophilus. Adult bee flies are nectar feeders while their young are parasitic in the nests of solitary bees and wasps, feeding on both their larvae as well as the food stores in the nests. See Bee fly Image 

Larva of a beetle

7337.        Found this while rolling cigarettes on my wood table in the kitchen. I just moved here and I’ve never seen anything like it. It wiggles back and forth. I didn’t kill it but I do have it stuck to a link roller. The material seen surrounding it is tobacco. It’s about 4 or 5 cm. Thank you. Hamtramck, Mi. United States


Number 7337.    This is a larva of a beetle in the family Dermestidae (hide/skin/larder/carpet beetles and allies). It most likely is in the genus Attagenus (black carpet beetles), but a Dermestes sp. (larder beetles) cannot be ruled out as I cannot see the distinguishing characters clearly enough. See Carpet Beetle Control Recommendation.

Plant bug

7336.        Infestation outside trees, all plants are covered. They are tiny 1/3 the size of a fly. Cottonwood, United States


Number 7336.    This is a plant bug, (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Miridae). As the name implies, most of these are plant feeders and a few species can be serious pests. However, some also are predaceous; your specimen resembles one that feeds on aphids – see Plant Bug Image .

Cobweb/comb-footed spider

7335.        I found this spider hanging from my friends ceiling! It’s actually black in colour! St. Johns, Nfld. Canada


Number 7335.    This is a cobweb/comb-footed spider (family Theridiidae) in the genus Steatoda. They are not aggressive, but some species can deliver a very painful (but not dangerous) bite if handled carelessly. Cobweb Spider Detailed Information .

Carpet beetle

7334.        Found in bedroom. London, Ontario. Canada


Number 7334.      This looks like a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Attagenus (black carpet beetle and allies). See Carpet Beetle Control Information .


7333.        What is this? I just moved into this place a month ago and keep killing these walking on carpet and on the linoleum, an had enough!! North Battleford, Sk. Canada


Number 7333.      This is a sowbug, a terrestrial crustacean in the order Isopoda; the vast majority of these are harmless scavengers on decomposing organic matter. They breathe through gills that must be kept moist, so keeping your environs as dry as possible will discourage them from staying. Sowbug Detailed Information.

Pavement ants

I have a major infestation in 2 locations under my walkway and front steps in the form of pavement ants, how do I go about ridding myself of this issue. I do not have any pic at this time but I do know that 100% what they are. Please if u can any advice would be great. Vancouver, BC

The Utah state extension service has an excellent fact sheet on pavement ants, it can be seen at Pavement Ant Fact Sheet . Additional information can be found at Pavement Ants Self Help Control .