Thousands of pest photos submitted for identification.

Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7460.         Hi, What is this bug? We found this at my son’s cloth. So scared. Vancouver, BC. Canada


Number 7460.      This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). These weevils often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there.


Rove beetle

7459.        We are on Vancouver Island in a rural area. We suddenly have an influx of small insects in the house. They are quite slow moving, don’t fly, are about 5-6mm long, and seem to be all over the floors. I have never seen them before although we have lived here for 12 years. It has rained recently for the first time in quite a while, but that is the only change in weather. Any thoughts as to what these might be would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Ladysmith, B.C. Canada


Number 7459.        This is a rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). The vast majority of these beetles are general predators on other small invertebrates, mostly other insects. Rove beetle detailed information .


Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7457.         Multiple inside the house. West St Paul, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7457.       This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). They often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil image .


Cobweb/comb-footed spider

7456.        Found in small tangled web behind door, near floor. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada


Number 7456.     This is Steatoda triangulosa, a cobweb/comb-footed spider (family Theridiidae) known as the triangulate cobweb spider. Although belonging to the same family as the widow spiders, it is harmless to humans. See Cobweb/comb-footed spider detailed information .



7455.           We found them in the kitchen floor. They are active only at night and are very fast! LaSalle, QC. Canada


Number 7455.    This is a firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae). They and their close cousins, silverfish (Lepisma saccharina), are scavengers that will feed on just about any organic material, Usually considered nuisance pests, large populations, if left undisturbed, can damage items such as fabrics, wallpaper, books, and other paper. See Firebrat detailed information , including control suggestions.


Cicada nymph

7454.          What kind of insect is this and does it bite? Scarborough, ON. Canada


Number 7454.      This appears to be the empty ‘shell’ (exoskeleton) of a cicada nymph (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae). When cicada nymphs have completed their development under ground, they tunnel up to the surface and seek out some vertical surface to climb up on, where they will then shed their exoskeleton and rest a while before taking wing as adults. They do not bite.


Ground spider

7453.            Found on deck at back of house. Ottawa, ON. Canada


Number 7453.       This is a ground spider (family Gnaphosidae) in the genus Sergiolus, most likely S. montanus – see Ground spider image . They are not dangerous to humans.


Great golden digger wasp

7452.         I have more pictures but they won’t upload. Please email if more are required. I have never seen this bug before. Inkerman, Ontario. Canada


Number 7452.     This appears to be a great golden digger wasp, Sphex ichneumoneus (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). The female wasp digs burrows in the soil that she then provisions with insects (most often relatives of grasshoppers) that she has paralyzed with her sting. These serve as food for her developing larvae. See Great golden digger wasp detailed information .


Lace bug

7451.        Hi, we cannot find this tiny bug ID anywhere. For a size comparison the stitching seen on the photo is the stitching on an IPAD cover. We have lived in Medicine Hat for 50 years and never seen this one before. I hope the picture is clear enough as we had to zoom in and save it as the bug was so tiny. Thanks. Medicine Hat, AB. Canada


Number 7451.    This is a lace bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Tingidae). These are sap feeders, usually found on the underside of leaves. See Lace bug image .


Predaceous diving beetle

7450.         Fredericton, Nb. Canada


Number 7450.     This is a mature larva of a predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae); it has completed the aquatic phase of its life cycle, and has emerged from the water in search of a safe place to undergo pupation.


Caterpillar of a sphinx moth

7449.        What kind of worm is this. White City, Sk. Canada


Number 7449.    This is a caterpillar of a sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae); most likely that of an Achemon sphinx, Eumorpha achemon. They feed primarily on the leaves of wild grape, Virginia creeper, and related vines. See Sphinx moth information .


scarab beetle

7448.         Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7448.  This is a scarab beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the genus Osmoderma, most likely O. eremicola. Commonly known as the hermit flower beetle, hermit beetle, “odor-of-leather beetle” (for strong odor of “Russian Leather”), their larvae develop in rotten, punky wood. See scarab beetle details on their biology .


Birch catkin bug

7447.      Keep finding these in our motorhome after our trip to the Okanagan, camped under trees. They like the sun and smell a bit when squished. Very small and can fly a bit, hard shell. Surrey, BC. Canada


Number 7447.    The most likely suspect is the birch catkin bug, Kleidocerys resedae (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) – see Birch catkin bug detailed information


Adult cicada

7446.       At least 3 cm long. Montréal, QC. Canada


Number 7446.      This is an adult cicada (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) emerging from its nymphal ‘shell’; it will gradually change colour and harden its skin over the next few hours, and then fly off in search of a mate. Cicadas of this type often are referred to as ‘annual’ or ‘dog-day’ cicadas, as some emerge every year (usually after midsummer) after spending several years as nymphs feeding on tree roots underground.


Assassin bug

7445.    Found inside, pretty slow. Only identification I could have found was assassin bug. WATERVILLE, QC. Canada


Number 7445.       It is indeed an assassin bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae); likely in the genus Zelus. See Assassin bug detailed information .


White-margined burrowing bug

7444.      Located on East-South facing outside wall but migrating to all sides of the house. We had consecutive days of rain. Current temperature 21*C, Daytime high of 27*C. Mass of them on concrete foundation. They were not there yesterday. Impressive amount of them. Mont-Tremblant, Quebec. Canada


Number 7444.    These look like nymphs of the white-margined burrowing bug, Sehirus cinctus (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Cydnidae). They feed primarily on the seeds of plant in the mint and nettle families.



I’m noticing a small dirt pile against my foundation and under the side of the house that was recently repaired for rot. It looks like ants are making their way in between the shell thing patch price under the siding. Is the debris in the dirt pile from the sheathing or dirt under the pavement? Is there a caulking, spray foam, stuffing and or spray I should use here. It only is happening in one spot around my foundation. Thank you kindly. Eastern Passage.

Expanding foam (see for an example) can be used as a barrier to ant entry, but be sure to clear away any loose material (soil, etc.) from around the opening to be sealed before applying the foam. There are foams available that also incorporate an insecticide – see for an example.

Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil

7443.       Started seeing these a couple weeks ago, mostly in tiled bathrooms and front entrance. No sign of any in bedding , nor no insect bites. They’re very dark coloured—like black. They move slowly. Do not fly. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada


Number 7443.      This is a broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). They often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. See Broad-nosed/short-snouted weevil example .


Assassin bug

7442.      I’ve seen a few of these guys in the summer months. They seem to get in through the window air conditioner. What is it, and is it dangerous to me or my cat? (On that note — please excuse all the cat hair visible in the photo.) Thank you. Toronto, Ontario. Canada


Number 7442.     This is an assassin bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae) known as the masked hunter (Reduvius personatus). They are general predators on other small invertebrates, mainly other insects, and they reportedly can deliver a very painful (but not dangerous) bite if mishandled. See Assassin bug detailed information .



7441.        I have a problem with my apartments not sealing my baseboards and open areas we have bombed sprayed and fogged and they keep getting in Spiders, and roaches. There are 100s outside and I work hard to keep them out my apt but they don’t have proper sealing. Any way is this a roach or a spider. Yuba City, CA. United States


Number 7441.    This definitely is a cockroach; possibly an oriental cockroach Blattaorientalis (Blattodea: Blattidae). See cockroach detailed information .


carpet beetle

7440.       We recently moved to a brand new house and are finding a few of these. They are very tiny, smooth, black/dark grey and only about 1-2 mm long. Ottawa, ON. Canada


Number 7440.      This looks like a carpet beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in the genus Attagenus (black carpet beetle and allies). See carpet beetle control recommendations .


Annual/dog-day cicada

7439.      Found in my garden on my Holy basil plant. Milton, Ontario. Canada


Number 7439.      This is an annual/dog-day cicada (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) in the genus Neotibicen. See Annual/dog-day cicada image .


Sphinx moth

7438.       Too afraid to get any closer. It hasn’t moved all day! Belliveau Cove, Clare Nova Scotia. Canada


Number 7438.       This is a harmless sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the genus Paonias; possibly Paoniasexcaecata, known as the blinded sphinx moth. See Sphinx moth Image .


Eastern boxelder bug

7437.      Can’t figure out what this insect is, but would like to know. We have many of them in our back yard, usually found on patio stones. Ottawa, Ontario. Canada


Number 7437.     This a nymph of a true bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera) in the family Rhopalidae; most likely an eastern boxelder bug, Boisea trivittata. See Eastern boxelder bug detailed information .


Short-snouted/broad-nosed weevil

7436.      Looks like a beetle only in bathroom. Foothills, Alberta. Canada


Number 7436.     This appears to be a short-snouted/broad-nosed weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; subfamily Entiminae). They often enter buildings in search of shelter, but do no harm there. See Short-snouted/broad-nosed weevil detailed information .


Clearwing hummingbird moth

7435.      Lester Beach, Manitoba June 12, 2023. Scary but cool! Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7435.    This is a clearwing hummingbird moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the genus Hemaris, most likely Hemaris thysbe. See Clearwing hummingbird moth detailed information .


Larva of a lacewing

7434.       It was biting my leg and I keep waking up with bite marks every other night , I’m pregnant and I don’t know what kind of bug this is I’ve never seen it before someone let me know please. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada


Number 7434.     This appears to be a larva of a lacewing (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). These are general predators on other small invertebrates, mostly other insects. For reasons unknown, they occasionally will ‘sample’ human skin, but their bite is harmless to humans. See lacewing detailed information .


Twice-stabbed stink bug

7433.    Black beetle with red markings. Many on peonies, but none seen on other plants. Edmonton, Alberta. Canada


Number 7433.    This is not a beetle, but a twice-stabbed stink bug, Cosmopepla lintneriana (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). See Twice-stabbed stink bug detailed information .



7432.     This thing was attached to our sliding screen door. I couldn’t get a better picture because I was afraid to go out to the balcony. Toronto, On Canada


Number 7432.      This is a harmless moth in the family Saturniidae (giant silk moths). From its feathery antennae, it appears to be a male, hoping to find a mate before its life runs out in a week or less. These moths do not feed, but live off the fat reserves built up during its larval stage.


Tortoise beetle

7431.     Hi, We found this bug in our pool and on our patio window. Not sure what it is but it is very small. As you can see in the pics, the bug is on an pool surface skimmer ring. Wendover, Eastern Ontario. Canada


Number 7431.      This is tortoise beetle, a leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the subfamily Cassidinae; it looks like a clavate tortoise beetle, Plagiometriona clavata. See tortoise beetle detailed information .


Mystery bites

A few weeks ago I was bitten three times in a row. I put out bed bug traps and have been checking my bed daily. I have no more bites. Two weeks ago my grandson slept over and had two sets of bites on his arm in a line of three bites. I still have bedbug traps down and I have washed all bedding and clothing and sprayed pesticide everywhere a week ago. Today I swept it all up and washed my floors. I found five different larder beetles. I still have no seen any signs of bedbugs. It is possible it is larder beetles and we are having allergic reactions to them. GimliN

“Mystery bites” are among the most difficult cases to resolve satisfactorally, as several causes other than actual bites may be responsible. The only absolutely certain solution is to actually observe the culprit(s) in the act of biting. I am unaware of any instances of allergic reactions to larder beetles, but cases of dermatitis caused by a reaction to the hairs of carpet beetles in the genus Anthrenus are well documented – see for an example.

Indian meal moths

Hello, I have a case of Indian meal moths for the past several months and I can’t seem to get rid of them and I need help. Woodbridge ON

As I would not recommend application of any pesticide in food storage areas, the best cure is prevention. The first step is sanitization – empty out all pantries, etc. where dry food products are stored, and give them a thorough cleaning. Then, place all infestible items in sealable metal or plastic (such as Tupperware) containers, or in a refrigerator/freezer. You may consider periodically setting out pheromone-baited traps for these moths to detect any future infestation before it becomes a problem (these traps are not an effective control measure).

Click beetle

7430.    Mississauga, Ontario. Canada


Number 7430.       This is a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae); a harmless accidental visitor. The larvae of some species (wireworms) can be agricultural pests. Click beetle detailed information .