blow fly maggot

blow fly maggot

5874   Hi,I’d like some help in identifying the attached pics of larvae. They are dropping out of a pot light located in my bathroom – about 1-2 every couple of hours. The only place above the bathroom ceiling is an attic. (which contains only insulation as far as I know, since there is no interior access) They started dropping down two days ago.  I live in Comox, Vancouver Island, BC.   When I took the light bulb out, nothing is visible. Should I be taking down the whole light fixture?   I have seen no moths anywhere and I’ve checked out my pantry and it appears bug-free. All the dry goods are in plastic containers.If you can identify these, can you tell me how to get rid of them? Thank you. Dianne Alsop

This looks like a maggot, probably a blow fly maggot that has crawled away from a dead animal in your attic. There could be a dead rat near the pot light. You should have a professional inspect, disinfect and remove any dead rodents.  If you have been using rodent poison, you should switch to traps to avoid more dead rodents in your home.  See the life cycle of blow flies here: