Bed Bug Infestation
Hi, I moved in to my Windsor apartment in October. I found that it had bed bugs. Building management did first chemical treatment. I followed all the post care steps but I stated to sleep on my bed again, I saw dead bed bugs and a couple of bites. I called the building management again and they did a second treatment. Just last night I went to sleep on my bed again and saw live bug. I caught it and put in ziploc bag. I called the pest control company that did the chemical treatment and they said it was normal to see activity for up to 2 weeks. That the chemical is drawing them out. But is that true? Or should I do a third treatment. When I spoke to my building management, she died the the pest control didn’t find ant activity when they were doing that treatment. Windsor
A third treatment may be advisable as it is not uncommon to require more than two treatments to bring a bed bug infestation under control – consult with your pest control company. Bed bugs are adept at hiding in the tiniest of crevices, so it may have been possible for some to have avoided contact with the pesticide used. Also, many bed bug populations have developed resistance to neonicotinoid pesticides such as acetamiprid, imidacloprid, and deltamethrin – see for details.