Entries by Pest Control Canada

Rats in trailer

Hello Larry,   Can you attempt an ID for me, please?  I live in a rural, wooded are of PEI. There are farm fields nearby. There are no derelict buildings, garbage dumps, or refuse/compost piles anywhere. I have a new shed, which is clean and used for storage, and a Boler trailer.   There were two nests […]

Larva of Dermestidae Beetle

5644   hi there we have found a bug on our wall and just a day or two before we have found this bug we have been getting some sorts of hives on our skin like mosquitoes  they itch once in a while. We saw a doctor and he didnt know what it was than today […]

Clothes moths problem

I been having holes in front of my sweaters on any kind of sweaters I don’t see any moth.   what to do thank you Moths do not chew holes but their larva do.   You should wash or dry clean all natural fiber clothing in the closet.  Clean the closet thoroughly.  Read the rest of our control […]

Cluster flies on ranch

We have a cluster fly infestation on our ranch near Williams Lake B.C. Is Dragnet FT EC the best insecticide to use? If not what would you recommend ? Regards, GWN Dragnet can only be purchased and applied by a licensed pest professional.   To eliminate cluster flies, your should first understand their life cycle.  They […]

Centipede control

How do I get rid of house centipedes without toxic effects or much money? Centipedes seldom need to be controlled unless they become a nuisance in the home. Centipedes are predators and generally play a beneficial role in the garden. Their activities should be encouraged in the yard. Reductions in the number of household centipedes […]

Squirrel control

How do you get rid of squirrels in the attic.  You must find and block off all entry points the squirrels are using to access the attic.  You should also place traps outside near the entry points to prevent them from chewing their way in again. You should also cut back any tree branches that touch or […]

Definitely not a bed bug

5643   Pls see photos attached. I live just outside of Vancouver ,in the Lower Mainland. The other day,  I found a dead bug in the corner of my son’s bed, in between the sheet and mattress cover.   It looks like it has been dead for some time. I am worried sick that  it is a bed […]

Leaf-footed bug nymphs

5642  I live in Edenglen, which is very near to Johannesburg, South Africa.  We are nearing the end of our summer season.  This was photographed yesterday.  I have a bush in my garden that is now has hundreds of these bugs (pic attached) all over it.  I have never seen them before and I am […]

Sphinx moth

5641 The attached was photographed off the west coast of Mexico in December 2015. Can you help with identification? Thanks, Howard This is a sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), but it has lost too many scales to be confident of a specific identification. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.

folding-door trapdoor spider

5640   I live in Kelowna bc and I accidentally killed the one that’s all scrunched up. Then this other guy showed up and I’ve searched and searched for his species and can’t find it anywhere. He is about the size of my thumb. Thanks in advance. This looks like another folding-door trapdoor spider (family Antrodiaetidae); […]

Spider in bed

Hello I am looking for help. I have a festering wound and many symptoms similar to the reported symptoms of a hobo spider. Then a few days after the bite/infection started I found these two guys by my bed. Please tell me if these are hobo spiders. I’m sorry the photos are through plastic, I […]

folding-door trapdoor spider

5638    Hi there,   My name is Jake and this photo was taken on April 3, 2016 in Cowichan Bay, BC – on the east coast of Vancouver Island. This spider was approximately an inch long. I uncovered it while weeding a flower bed. It was very docile and I could see a pulsing movement through a […]

Camel Cricket

5637 My name is Michael.  I live in Long Island New York. I Have many of these bugs in my house.  They started appearing in September 2015. They jump really high.  They are about one inch long.  Help..What is it and how do I get rid of them. This is a camel/cave cricket (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae).  These […]

Moth Larva (caterpillar)

5636 My name is Andrea Moretz.   These are very tiny bugs that are on my sun lamp shade. The other picture is a picture of the what I assume is eggs also on the lampshade there are two clusters about the same size.  The bug is so tiny I would say it’s smaller than the size […]

Click Beetle

5635   This bug was found crawling across the floor of my living room.  I live in the rural area of Osoyoos, BC. The weather today is cloudy and 10 C. The insect is a 1/2 inch in length. Would appear it has 6 legs and no antennae that I can see. The back appears to […]

long-horned wood-boring beetle

5634  Please help me identify this insect. I found it in my house Kitchen floor and on walls. They only show up one or two at a time.  Location: Waterford, CT.   Thank you,   Joyce This is a long-horned wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); it looks like a Megacyllene sp. (locust borer and allies). They will not […]

Predaceous diving beetle

#5633  Hello, Hoping to identify this bug please. caught April 1, 2016 at dusk (about 8:30pm) west edge of Calgary, Ab.   Canadian quarter for scale.  Cat caught it in garden mulch near coniferous trees.  Thank you, Carol This is a predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae); likely in the genus Dytiscus. These beetles (and their larvae, ‘water […]

Chemicals not working.

Hi, I called pest control in January and the guy came and spread some chemical and gave me 6 months warranty but nothing happened and the insect problem still same so I called him again and we did that for 4 times and still the same, please advice. Khalid.  Burlington – Ontario We would need […]

Devastating News about bats

White-nose Syndrome (WNS), the highly contagious fungal disease that has killed millions of bats in North America, was confirmed in Washington state yesterday by wildlife officials. The discovery of the infected little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus)— found by hikers on a trail about 30 miles east of Seattle — marks the first time the disease […]

Click Beetle

5632   Found this guy in a piece of rotting wood in panhandle north Idaho.   Jeff  This is a larva of a beetle, possibly that of Alaus oculatus, a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae); see http://tinyurl.com/ha7xyh9 for an image. These larvae are predaceous on other insects found in rotting wood or under bark of dead trees/logs. Ed […]

Sow Bug

5631       We found these bugs all around our garage tonight. It is very obvious that they were hiding around boxes left in the garage over winter. Now that spring is here I found them inside the garage and some around the outside if the house. My brother and friend are telling me they are […]


#5630  My name is Lisa. I live in Calgary, Ab. We have had a very mild, dry winter and an early, dry spring. The gophers are out and my dog has been sticking her head down their holes. Within a few days I noticed one of these bugs crawling in her fur. It was hard […]

Comb footed/cobweb spider

#5629     Hi:   please could you tell me what spider this is.  Thank you,  Emma Griffiths. This is Steatoda triangulosa, a comb-footed/cobweb spider (family Theridiidae). This species feeds on other spiders as well as insects, and is harmless to humans. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.  

Biting bug in bed

Hi  #5628  I found this bug in bed biting me. Obviously indoors in spring time (March). Its small about 3mm big or so. In ottawa Ontario.   Ginette Biting? In bed? It seems that you have bed bugs (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Cimicidae; Cimex sp.). See http://tinyurl.com/hwz5tea elsewhere on this site for control advice. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks […]

Boxelder Bug invasion

# 5627  Can you tell me what these bugs are? They are all over our apt building. We have never had them here before. Thanks. This is a Boxelder bug.  For more photos and information see our web page: http://pestcontrolcanada.com/box-elder-bugs  

“Dragnet” to kill bed bugs.

Our neighbors have admitted to having bed bugs and told our landlord they “took care of it” NOW COUPLE MONTHS LATER we found a couple on one of our beds! Please know me or my husband have NEVER had bed bugs before we told our landlord and she is getting a pest control company to […]

Flour beetle infestation

My daughter has moved into a newer home ( 3 yrs old) and has discovered the red flour beetle in her pantry and upstairs on the bedroom level – what is the best method to get rid of them? she has put all cereals and flour into sealed containers. Pantry pest beetles lay eggs close […]

Moisture Ant

5626  Hi these just showed up today on the side of my house. Thousands. So thick i can sweep them with a broom. They look like ants but have wings. Can you figure out what they are. Thanks. David. Toronto.  This is an ant, possibly in the genus Lasius (- see http://tinyurl.com/zwxcakh for an example (this […]

Dermestidae Beetle

5625  Hi, these photos were taken in downtown Toronto in my condo. It’s winter, but I’ve seen these bugs in different seasons. I’ve only seen them a handful of times and only on the floor. They are only ever these tiny little things that I can barely see.  What is it?! Do I need to […]

Stink Bug

5624   Hello,  I found your site and looked through your photos and could not identify one that matches what we have. These are in our home, I have killed over 25 of them since moving in aprox. one year ago. The length is 5/8 in long x 3/8 in wide and they do fly. […]


5623   Hello,  I have found a few of these tiny bugs in my bathroom recently and while I am usually not afraid of, or grossed out by insects, this one looks particularly creepy. It is small; only 1/4″ long; jet black in colour, has 8 legs and 2 disproportionately large pincers of some sort extending […]

True Fly

5622    Hi,  I work outside at works yard and I come across a lot of bugs and especially mosquitos (Pemberton, BC). I’ve just noticed them coming back around but noticed the past 5 or 6 of them are all black and not the usual brown colouring you find here. Can’t find any white spots or […]