Entries by Pest Control Canada

4596. Gas used to kill bed bugs?

4596  I was treated 3 times. 7 days apart for bed bugs. They advised me that they used gas. I’m clueless as to what the gas they used is called. I simply want a name of this gas. Is that possible? Thanks! We assume that you mean that a gas was used to fumigate. Fumigation is […]

broad-nose/short-snouted weevil

5779   Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. We are finding numerous bugs in our house (15-20 a day) … we would like to know if this is a pest and what steps we should take. Please see attached photo. additional info: very slow moving. 7-8mm long… , stop moving for a long time when we disturb them, VERY hard shell, […]

Cat-face orb weaver

5778   It’s almost 2 inches big. It’s living between the windows (outside and inside) of townhouse in Edmonton. Photo taken mid August of this year. Please, please can you respond. Need to know if something to worry about, as there is a 1 year old baby as well 2 dogs. Thank you.  Dave H. Nothing […]

Funnel Weaver spider lair

5777  Walking in the forest here in French River Ontario,  I came across a bunch of weird looking webs that I had never seen before.  I didn’t see any spider although i did look as close as I dared to.  lol  I have attached a few pictures of the tree with the webs.  I would […]

Mormon cricket

5776 About 2.5 inches long, on a path in the community forest. What is this thing? This is a shield-backed katydid, such as a Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae); see http://tinyurl.com/z88v86s for an image. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.

Wood Rat

Caught on my small mousetrap in my back yard in Pleasantiew  Edmonton This looks like a young wood rat.  For more photos and information see:  http://pestcontrolcanada.com/wildlife-control/wood-rat-pack-rat  

Wasp or fly larvae

5775  These larval sacks were protected in some fine insulating substance just like wool. Found them in a junction box on a wall outside.  (It even smelled like lambs wool.)  There were about ten of these brown, slightly crispy-shelled sacks.  Only one sack contained a set of 30 or so active larvae, the rest were nearly […]

broad-nose/short-snouted weevil

5774     Hello,  We seem to finding more and more of these critters in our house near Calgary.  They started in one area in the basement and in an area in the garage but they are becoming more prevalent and found in other areas of the house.  They are only a couple of mm long and […]

Reproductive male ants

 5773  Please identify. Osgoode,   Ontario,  taken at dusk.  Bruce and Terri   These appear to be male winged ants. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV. There is not enough visible detail to determine the species.

long-horned wood-boring beetle

5772   Hello.  I found this guy in a 5th wheel in Slave Lake AB.  He had hitched a ride from somewhere either there in the vicinity or in the Rocky Mountain House and Jasper areas. He was big for an insect, I thought, about an inch long….   I caught him in a plastic glass and put […]

Sink bug nymph

5771  Any idea what this bug is?  I found it on a leaf in my garden on August 6th, 2016, Mississauga, Ontario.  Regards,  Mike C This is a nymph of a stink bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Pentatomidae); possibly in the genus Podisus  – see http://tinyurl.com/gmmc6p4 for an example. Bugs in this genus are called soldier bugs; they […]

thread-waisted wasp

5770  Can you Please adv8ise what this is, photo taken in my sons backyard this evening , Aug 15, 2016, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada?  Thank You  Christine It’s a thread-waisted wasp (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in the subfamily Ammophilinae; it looks like Eremnophila aureonotata . These are caterpillar hunters – see http://tinyurl.com/hex5o5a for some images. Ed Saugstad, retired […]

banded Argiope spider

5769  Hello. This is in my garden. I would really like to know what it is!! I am terrified of them but I find this one intriguing. In the past 7 days its doubled in size. Hope you can help!!  Erin This is Argiope trifasciata, an orb weaver known as the banded Argiope. It is […]


5768  The attached photo was taken in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota in August, on the bark of a birch tree. It appears to be a tight cluster of fifty or sixty black 1/4″ six-legged insects(?), being “herded” (so it appears) by six or eight large black ants moving around the perimeter of the cluster. […]

Bald-faced hornets

5767  Hi my name is Diana and I live in Tecumseh Ontario and it is mid August. I have a Manitoba maple infestation of wasp like bugs that fly and sting. They are burrowing in the trunk of the tree.  There is no visible nest near them, yet they are swarming and burrowing into the […]

Bed Bug

5766  Beside the tweezers. Found in the corner of drywall. Summertime in Oshawa Ontario.  Jen Unfortunately, this is a bed bug. See http://tinyurl.com/hwz5tea elsewhere on this site for more information and control recommendations. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.  

Get rid of ticks

4595  When I was out hiking and came back to my house I brought in ticks. How do I get them out of my house? Make sure your pets do not have ticks and keep them away from outdoor potential tick infested areas. Consider bathing pets with a flea and tick shampoo. Vacuum 100% of […]

Mud dauber wasp

5765  Can you tell me what this is and is it dangerous? This is a thread-wasted wasp (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), it appears to be Sceliphron caementarium , known as the black-and-yellow mud dauber. They are  of danger only to the spiders that they capture, sting, and paralyze as provisions for their larvae. See http://tinyurl.com/gpubxfa for much […]

Get rid of moles in garden

4594  Why do I get moles in my garden beds and how can I get rid of them? what are they seeking in the garden? Moles eat a wide range of soil inhabiting soft-bodied creatures including some pests but they also consume large numbers of earthworms that are common in most gardens. Getting rid of […]

Stink bug nymph

5764   Good evening,  I came upon your website when I was trying to identify an insect I found outside in my tomato garden. I scanned through some pictures on your website but I didn’t see my exact bug. I’ve attached 2 photos of it having some lunch. I took these today, August 7th in Nova […]

hump-winged cricket

5763  Location of photo: North Okanagan   BC.  Question: Could you possible identify the following insect? It’s body is about one inch long.  Thank you .  Sincerely,  Heather This appears to be Cyphoderris monstrosa, a hump-winged cricket (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae) known as a great grig -see http://tinyurl.com/zctwakz for an image. Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.

marbled orb weaver spider

5762  I believe this to be an orb weaving spider – I don’t see one exactly like this on your site. This was found in Montreal, Quebec but may have hitched a ride back from the region north of Quebec City. Thank you for your help, we are fascinated by this amazing creature.  -Angus This is an […]

Mayfly exoskeleton

5761  Kingston Ontario.  Live near water… Siding is covered with these for several weeks… Only about 1/4 long.  Don This is a shed ‘skin’ (exoskeleton) of an immature mayfly. These insects are a vital part of the freshwater food web, but they can become nuisances when they emerge by the gazillions – see http://tinyurl.com/hkxk3y6. Saugstad, […]

Cicada nymph

5760 Found in our yard  we live in Georgetown Ontario.  Peggy  This is a nymph of a cicada (Hemiptera/Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae), likely in the genus Neotibicen. These usually are called either annual cicadas (some emerge every year after spending two to five years underground) or dog-day cicadas (because they usually emerge in late summer). Saugstad, retired entomologist; […]

orb weaving spider

5759   My daughter may have got bit what is this? Is this even a spider. This is an orb weaving spider (family Araneidae) in the genus Neoscona, likely N. arabesca – see http://tinyurl.com/j8zzap9 for an image. These spiders very seldom bite unless they are picked up and handled carelessly, and their bite is not at […]

broad-nose/short-snouted weevil

5758  Hello,  I have been finding 2-3 of these a month in my (finished) basement in Calgary Alberta, year round.  They are often dead when I find them.  They move slowly and have a strong shell.  The largest was nearly 1 cm long but almost always they are around 7-8mm.  I think they are ‘Weevils’ but they […]

Leaf footed bug

5757   Lone Pine, Ca. Hot dry dessert at the base of Mt. Whitney. It was on my leg yesterday afternoon. I panicked at hit it and it sat still in the ground. Looks like it flies. Didn’t smell anything or hear it make a noise. My husband smashed it before I could study it. Lived […]

Wood Wasp

5756   Randy from Alberta. Just noticed him hanging around my backyard and you can hear those 4 wings as it Flys. About 2.5-3″ long from head to stinger.  This is wood wasp (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in the genus Urocerus, it looks like Urocerus flavicornis; see http://tinyurl.com/gptjc33 for an image. Their larvae tunnel in the wood of […]

Metallic wood-boring beetle

5755   This bug was found in Brockville Ontario, Canada, while camping by a lake. He has wings as I did see it fly. Could you please identify it for me? Thanks so kindly!  Eva This is a metallic wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Also called jewel beetles because of their often iridescent colours, their larvae (flat-headed […]

Mud nests.

4593  What makes mud tubes in lawns and mud houses in the corners of our stucco house. Inside it there is 1 larva? Mud dauber wasps could be constructing nests on your home.   Send a photo for identification.

Mice in furnace pipes

4592  Can mice enter an air intake pipe to a furnace if the outside mesh screen is fine and not damaged? Mice can enter any hole or crack big enough to get their skull through. (Smaller than a dime).  Look for any small gaps around the pipe and rub marks from their oily fur.

Millipedes in strawberries.

5754  These worms have been destroying my strawberries.  Found near Winnipeg, MB.  Dave These ‘worms’ actually are millipedes, arthropods in the class Diplopoda. Some species will indeed damage tender plant parts (including soft fruits) that are close to or on the ground. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.    

Cicada invasion in eastern Canada?

 The recent appearance of numerous cicadas has many Canadians in the maritimes concerned but according to David McCorquodale, Dean of Science and Technology, Cape Breton University there is nothing to be concerned about. “In Nova Scotia there are no reasonable ground to be concerned about a mass emergence of cicadas this summer.  The three species […]