terrestrial crustacean (sow bug)

terrestrial crustacean (sow bug)

5998   Hello!    My name is Travis, and I live in southern Ontario.  We’ve seen a few of these guys in our master bathroom in the past few days and would love an identification.  I hope the photo is clear enough.  My best guess is some kind of sowbug?     They are small (maybe as long as my fingernail, <1cm).  It’s just the beginning of spring and it’s starting to get warm.    I hope I’ve given adequate info.  Thanks!  Travis

This is a terrestrial crustacean in the order Isopoda, and sowbug is one of the common names applied to these creatures. They primarily are scavengers on bits of decomposing organic matter, but some species have been known to damage very tender plant parts. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.