Wingless Moth
5863 Hello. My name is Dianna. I have searched your site as well as the internet and have had no luck identifying this bug. Numerous appeared on the brick walls on outside of my home a week or two ago (1st-2nd week if November 2016). They have no wings and hardly move when touched. The strange thing about them is at night their tail ends curl up! They seem to have more movement at night as well. I thought maybe stink bug nymph but does not have a shield shape. Hoping you can help! Want to get rid of them.
This is a wingless moth; it appears to be a female fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). See for an image and for detailed information on its life history. Their larvae feed on leaves of trees in the springtime; this would be the best time to apply control measures. Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.