Boxelder bug nymph
5700 Hi there, I live in Brantford Ontario and found these little guys all over my grass and fence. They are various sizes from half a centimetre to 1 centimetre. The weather is hot and humid and very sunny out. I tried researching and the best I could come up with was Jadera haematoloma but I don’t think that is exactly what they are. I only got a picture of a couple at a time but there were many more (at least 60 of them) in a group before I disturbed them. Thanks in advance.
This is a nymph of a boxelder bug (Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Rhopalidae); Boisea sp. – see for an image. These are very common nuisance pests. Ed Saugstad, retired entomologist; Sinks Grove, WV.