Get rid of boxelder bugs

We have box elder bugs on the exterior wall. But we found a tree on the side of our house, which looks like box elder tree. Is it possible, to identify the tree and help us to deal with the bugs. Sulo
Control or exclusion must be done in the summer and fall.  Caulking windows and doors, and repairing window and door screens will prevent bugs from entering a home. If you decide you would like to spray for control, one home remedy is to use a 3-4% mix of water and soap (by volume) that can be sprayed directly on the insects. Remember however that soaps only kill on contact.  In extreme cases have a pest control professional apply a residual insecticide to exterior walls in the fall where the bugs are congregating – this will tend to discourage them from landing. Insecticides are not very effective after the weather turns cold.    Read more about boxelder bugs and box elder trees.