Springtails in new home

How can you get rid of springtails? We’ve been in a newly built home for a year and a half. We’ve never seen these bugs until the builder had to rip up the old hardwood and subfloors. They were out in the elements for so long, the subfloors(chipboard) were so swollen and warped. Could the springtails have been existing inside the subfloors? We have three humidifiers running continuously for over a week now and these bugs are still appearing all over the house. Not sure what to do anymore. From what I’ve read about them, they need moisture to survive but I see them outside on the driveway (gravel), they’re in the garage on pavement, on a poured concrete porch etc. If they need moisture to live, why are they walking around everywhere? Yes, they have been identified as Springtails. Thanks very much for any info or help you can give.

New homes will dissipate moisture from the concrete, wood, chipboard, drywall and drywall mud for at least 2 years. The swollen chipboard sub floors indicate there must be a serious moisture problem that dehumidifiers will take a long time to remove. There is always enough moisture outdoors in most regions of Canada. (lay a plastic garbage bag on the ground and see the moisture on the bottom in the morning). Spraying insecticides is only a short term temporary solution. Springtails will continue to enter a home with high humidity. Make sure proper vapour barriers were installed under the home and in the walls. Improve ventilation in the crawl space or basement and the living space. Use kitchen and bathroom fans.